CitizenGo: We protest against the gross insult to our faith at the 2024 Paris Olympics!

They humiliated us on the world stage! At the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics, our Christian faith was publicly mocked in the most humiliating way. Nude and transgender individuals, as well as drag queens, desecrated the memory of the Last Supper. It was stomach-churning and repulsive to even look at.

The insult to our faith was vile and shameful. We MUST do something about it! It was enough! This grotesque sight has violated all our sacred values, so it cannot remain unanswered.

Are you taking action against him? Or does he stand idly by and wait to be violated again? The time to mobilize and join forces is NOW!

Too often we stand idly by while our Christian faith is trampled upon and mocked. But that's it! After all, what happens if we remain silent? Our faith and Christian symbols are becoming a constant parody, promoted by the queer, LGBTQ and transgender lobbies with the support of globalist leaders and the radical left.


Let's not be fooled - this was a deliberate anti-Christian parody that humiliated our faith. They see us as an easy target. So until we stop them together, they will continue. This is about protecting our faith and making sure that such blatant blasphemy never happens again. We cannot allow our Lord Jesus Christ to be desecrated in such an obscene manner. If we remain silent now, we send the message that such disrespect is acceptable.

Add your name to the protest now, let's show the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the sponsors of the Olympic Games that Christians will not tolerate such a serious insult to Jesus and the Christian faith.

Our faith has been mocked and humiliated at these Olympic Games, so we must act.

We urgently demand from the International Olympic Committee to apologize and give a written guarantee that this will never happen again! Sign this urgent petition today!

You can sign the petition HERE!

Featured Image: Pexels