In Paris today, it is not at all important to look like a man, move like a man, have muscles like a man. He does not have a primary gender character, but primary human rights.

Angela Carini burst into tears and left the clamp. Angela Carini was hit in such a way that maybe her nose was broken, she could not continue the fight. Although Angela Carini had been preparing for months and years, the Olympic trials were cut short. Angela Carini was born a woman, and according to the International Olympic Committee, this fact can only be a disadvantage in women's boxing matches.

There was also the Algerian monster. Let's not worry about what he has and what he doesn't have.

In Paris today, it is not at all important to look like a man, move like a man, have muscles like a man. He does not have a primary gender character, but primary human rights.

Although it is currently undecided what kind it would be, that is not what matters, but – to quote the International Olympic Committee – only his expensive legal protection.

So that no one can make fun of her, can she enter a male or female competition as a temporary creature, and so as not to offend the poor girl, since according to the cast, at the moment, it is not her, but the Italian girl, whose career is zeroed out.

Angela Carini's sports career was cut short by the Paris Olympics, today the world is rooting for Luca Hámori

While half the world, the Italian prime minister, the Bulgarian government, Elon Musk, Ms. JK Rowling, the Serbian president, Tamás Kásás, and pretty much everyone who hasn't lost their minds are loudly protesting, the Paris Olympics remain true to their original mission. I am thinking exactly of the excellent opening ceremony, where transvestites, homosexual clowns and Algerian boxers danced, had fun, insulted Christianity, and advertised their individual perversity. After all, it was clear from the beginning how this would end.

This is France - said President Macron enthusiastically, whose little heart would probably skip a beat if he looked at the pretty lady boxer instead of his married grandmother.

We, those who think differently, let's say something. That is to say, this boxing story has nothing to do with sports. In any case, this story is politically motivated and is being carried out for very tangible goals. This is exactly why the Arab lady can box among women, that is why she can smash the faces of real, weaker women, and that is why she should receive a gold medal, according to preliminary hopes, for showing us the Eurovision bearded woman, and for bringing the number three klotyos to Western universities. The goal of the game is to completely wipe out the old world. From the former founding myth that they are persecuted and therefore in need of protection, we can now get to the point where ladies beat women to the ground in boxing matches.

And that the end of the story is what always happens when moral concerns fall: the law is hijacked, and free-organizing groups of people are smashed so that no obstacles remain.

Those who do not believe that in a few years Western civilization can reach the ultimate perversions, or to the point where we have no gender, no name, no religion, no character, in fact nothing, probably do not read the process correctly.

Today, the Algerian woman is boxing against our own Luca Hámori. Luca cannot run away from the task, as he is decently prepared and a dedicated athlete. I wish him to end the argument today with a huge hook or uppercut. At the end of this discussion. And the rest will be arranged by the one from whom we received life, the world, humanity, heroism and greatness. Throughout the tragedy of man, it seems that only Lucifer accompanies Adam and Eve - but the final word still belongs to the Lord. We can't just trust in this, but we must know: it will definitely happen. So much for the eternal boxing match in history.

Hungarian Nation