The whole Hercegurca is becoming more and more scandalous, the superiority of the IOC is completely unfounded.

The Ripost writes that at the Paris Olympics, Luca Hámori boxed with an opponent who has an XY chromosome characteristic of men, and the Algerian was issued his birth certificate only in 2018. They remind us: the African boxer's departure caused a huge response worldwide, because he was excluded from last year's World Championship by the International Sports Association (IBA) due to his too high testosterone level, and according to the tests, he has the XY chromosome characteristic of men.

According to the argument of the Olympic Committee (IOC), Imane Helif is a woman on her passport and is therefore considered a woman. But now the question has arisen: is this passport possibly based on a forged birth certificate?

Imane Helif's birth certificate in 1999 does indeed say "female", but the certificate was not issued until September 2018, some 19 years after Khelif's birth, at the start of his boxing career!

The biological male defeated the biological female

Turns out, a team from The India Express visited Helif's father in Algeria who, outraged by the scandal surrounding his child, showed the birth certificate on camera and said: “I hope he wins a medal in Paris. The attack on Imane is not fair. She is a girl who loves sports. This is our official family document. May 2, 1999, female. This document does not lie. It was registered in 1999. People who lie and campaign against Imane are enemies of God. This document was written in 1999, when it was born".


When the document was analyzed, the year of birth is actually 1999, but it appears that the birth certificate was not issued in 1999, but many years later.

The "Date of Issue" section says "04/01/2018", which is about 19 years after Imane Khelif was born.

There is also a red stamp on the document, and the year 2018 can be easily recognized underneath, albeit in reverse.

They emphasize: In Algeria, you can get a passport with an official birth certificate. With the 2018 birth certificate, Imane Khelif was able to obtain a passport as a woman. The very passport that the IOC refers to when it claims that Imane Helif will be categorized as a "woman" at the Olympics.

Luca Hámori: I feel that this unfortunately cannot happen now

It is worth adding to the story that we are talking about Algeria, i.e. a Muslim country, where it is more than strange if a little girl plays soccer from the age of six and then switches to boxing. The father claims this, along with the fact that his daughter, who also has the Y chromosome, was born a girl.

Featured Image: Isabel Infantes | Source: REUTERS