The Prime Minister also manages to relax a little during the summer.

In a TikTok video, Viktor Orbán talked about how he will finally have time to read in the summer. The Prime Minister also announced that he always welcomes reading tips.

After that, he started unpacking different volumes from a paper box.

The first The Civil Wars - History Living in Ideas published by the Rubikon Institute. Viktor Orbán returned this volume with the comment that "we are not preparing for a civil war, we will not take advantage of it".

Gábor Mező The occupation of culture was the next one, and Viktor Orbán declared: "We experienced this, we know better than the author".

However, the prime minister immediately listed András Lánczi's book as a must-read book, saying "Lánczi should always be read". David Goodhart's book Struggle for Dignity and Status

Viktor Orbán commented on Noémi Orvos-Tóth's Inherited Fate by saying that "this is psychologizing, let's leave that to the end", but Katalin Karikó's Breakthroughs was also among the must-reads.

Poetry was also hidden in the box: Regarding Géza Szőcs' Collected Verses, Viktor Orbán remarked that it is an excellent book, but he cannot take it with him, because one can only read such things at home.

"Géza's death - he died of Covid - is the biggest loss that Hungarian politics has suffered in the last ten or so years. He had the lightest pen, he could have really written the history of the Hungarian right wing, which could have been the history of our years together, but he took this with him to the grave," said the prime minister about Szőcs.

Orbán saw Houellebecq's book Megsjämsülni as "unfriendly thick", which one does not take with one's body. But he found Samuel Gregg's book exciting.

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Cover photo: Viktor Orbán revealed what he reads in the summer
Source: Facebook/Viktor Orbán