The deliberate destruction of agriculture and the scapegoating of carbon dioxide emissions.

Strong government action is needed against the global and progressive mainstream, the global elite. This is one of the most important in the current changed domestic and world political situation, as Viktor Orbán said at Tusnádfürdő, on the threshold of a new world order. In the new world system, the global elite plays an increasingly decisive role.

The following is an example of this. One of many. The union, which is under the control of the global elite, is methodically crushing agriculture with its measures. But this is happening not only in Europe, but also in the wider West.

The European Commission, as well as the member states that slavishly follow them - such as Germany - are taking measures one after the other, which simply cannot have any other end result than making traditional farming and animal husbandry impossible for thousands of years, which "merely" threatens only with the danger that that which has provided us with our daily bread and food until now is over, it is going to ruin, the farmers are unable to do so, and in the end we simply starve to death.

Denmark recently announced that it will introduce cattle, pig and sheep in 2030. Having said that, the natural manifestation of these animals causes enormous damage, as they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere! Behind this is the green ideology, the Green Deal of the European Union, the starting point of which is none other than that global warming is caused by human carbon dioxide emissions, and related to this is agriculture, since cows, for example, emit a lot of methane into the atmosphere.

The measures introduced by the Union and individual Western states are diverse, but point in the same direction. First: forcing farmers not to cultivate certain areas, to fallow land, to end their activities for the sake of climate protection. Farmers in the Netherlands were forced to do this a few months ago, the measures put about three thousand farmers in an impossible situation.

On the other hand, it should be pointed out here that some members of the global elite, such as Bill Gates, buy huge agricultural lands for themselves. I wonder why? Isn't it so that when the food supply on earth reaches its limit, he still has plenty of territory to avoid unpleasant consequences?

Second, they introduce tax-related measures that affect farmers. This includes, for example, the abolition of tax incentives for diesel-powered agricultural machines in the Germans, French and other countries, the raising of other taxes, the tightening of animal husbandry, etc., as a result of which farmers find themselves in an almost impossible situation. Thirdly, there are price increases, whether in the case of fertilizers or other chemical protection agents, not to mention the general increase in energy prices and the withdrawal of subsidies.

Fourth: Brussels is getting closer and closer to allowing non-GMO-free products into Europe, yielding to the demands of the American state and giant companies, at most on the condition that the GMO content of these products must always be indicated. But (as in life in general) after a while they will introduce simplifications here as well, or rename GMO products to, say, product number two, just as in some countries parents are no longer fathers and mothers, but parents number one and two, regardless of the by their gender. Brussels' imagination is limitless when it comes to taking and gradually accepting measures that help ruin the lives of European people...

Fifth, the release of Ukrainian agricultural products onto the European market is a concrete, tangible crime of Brussels, which represents a direct and clear, present danger for European, especially Eastern and Central European farmers. It is well known that the regulations related to Ukrainian agricultural products are much looser and more permissive than those within the EU, the quality of Ukrainian products (from grain to food) is much lower than that of Europeans - but that is why the Europeans simply cannot compete with the prices of Ukrainian products.

And despite the ongoing protests, the European Commission was able to withdraw its measure on the ban on the import of Ukrainian products, which had been in place for several months, and until next May, Ukrainian goods can once again flow freely into the EU, instead of going to their original destination, Africa and the These products would reach the Middle East...

It is therefore clear that every step taken by Brussels and the European leaders who serve the globalist elite in Brussels is deliberately destroying European agriculture. Normal leaders could not do this, and would not do it. Behind this, as in general behind left-liberal and globalist aspirations - always since the French Revolution and the rise of freemasonry - again

there is a world-saving ideology. They believe in this, and this is now shown in the fact that global warming is intensifying in a destructive way, the earth's climate is becoming unbearable, but according to them, there is only one reason for this: human activity, mainly and mainly anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions.

But surely this is the cause of global warming, which, moreover, we cannot say with certainty that it causes enormous damage to the inhabitants of the earth? While we really know for sure that there have been higher average temperatures in the history of the Earth, and these were certainly fertile periods in the history of mankind. So let's stop here and get to the point. And this is that the deliberate destruction of agriculture - the basis of our existence for thousands of years - is not the work of chance, but the result of a total ideology in which the decision-makers either believe, or they do not dare to resist the expectations dictated by the global elite in this matter either.

The green ideology is exactly like the communist, nazi or current extreme liberal ideology: it wants to bring paradise to Earth by simply eliminating human carbon emissions - according to the plans for 2050, but 2035 is already an important date. There is only one problem: the whole starting point is simply either debatable and unproven, or even worse: false and wrong.

It is necessary to go to the roots, namely to the leaders of the member states of the union, instead of fearlessly following the self-destructive, suicidal plans of Brussels and - what is worse! – now concrete measures! It is not necessary to extract concessions, but to talk about the essence: what is true in the so-called "scientific" explanations behind the steps taken in Brussels? Because if it turns out that climate ideology and hysteria are simply not true, that global warming is caused by human carbon dioxide emissions, then what the hell is going on? And what kind of cowardice is it that the states are not able to go against this, if the doubt is strong?

Of course, to this many state leaders say: once there is a scientific consensus about a person's criminal activities, then what can be done? What will happen to me if I were to ask: is it really so certain that global warming can be caused by humans, and not by the activity of the Sun, the ever-changing orbit of the Earth, certain cosmic processes that we have no influence on and cannot have? Couldn't it be that the clouds that always cover two-thirds of the Earth limit the greenhouse effect in the first place? Isn't it possible that water vapor also plays a role in the processes, and can't everything be blamed on humans, or on the "very brutal" amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere, around 0.04 percent? Can't you ask about all of this?

How then will the given political leader get bad press, and how will he be removed from the pixies of the global, especially the Davos elite? Why don't they refer to this when they blindly follow the instructions of Brussels? Because if they refer to this, then with some disdain, but I understand them: you need power, you need money, in the end they will be removed from the elite circles, and God save me from that... Of course, I don't understand them. I rather despise them because what they are doing to Europe and agriculture is disgraceful.

And maybe my questions are impulsive. But the game is not for nothing here: it is about the life and death of people, no less.

We could do something here and now. Let's do everything to save agriculture, let's take up the fight with the completely one-sided and unproven ideology that traces global warming solely to human carbon dioxide emissions, which the global elite wants to impose on the world, and Europe follows this will like a good boy.

We are indeed on the verge of, or even during, a world system change, and one of the most important elements of this is the increasingly strong intention of the global elite to transform the world. It is good for us to see this clearly and act accordingly before it is too late!

Source: Hungarian Nation

Cover image: Illustration / Rome, February 20, 2024.
Italian farmers protesting against the agricultural policy of the European Union demonstrate with the symbolic coffin of agriculture along the Nomentana Consular highway, near Rome, on February 20, 2024.
Farmers are calling for the protection of domestic agricultural and food industry products, and instead of strictures, they are asking the European Union for special support for the agricultural sector. MTI/EPA-ANSA/Claudio Peri