What kind of people make it a condition of a scholarship that young people cannot accept NER money while they are sitting on it?

24.hu announced a few days ago. The goal of the "Passenger and Moon" Creative Scholarship is to provide the winner with a calm creative environment for a month in this inspiring and wonderful Italian countryside, the founder couple Péterfy wrote to 24.hu, adding that two scholarships are awarded annually, in March and in September, and the award is based on literary quality. The board of trustees decides on the two awardees of the year, namely Szilvia Kuczogi, Ágnes Szabados, Ágnes Romhányi, Anna T. Szabó, György Dragomán and Sándor Mészáros. The awardees will receive an apartment for one month, a thousand euros in spending money, and they will be paid for their travel there and back.

They try to get as far away from NER as possible

The NGO Pro Arte Libera, which officially donates the scholarship, is registered in Estonia. According to the Péterfys, it is because they want to protect the Pro Arte Libera scholarship from the aggression of the NER. In addition, our foreign donors also indicated that they are reluctant to transfer money to Hungary, as they do not see legal certainty as guaranteed.

the call for proposals , authors writing in the Hungarian language can apply who

  • has at least one non-privately published work of fiction that was published by a book publisher and went on sale;
  • does not receive and has not received a scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Arts or any organization related to the NER, or (after December 2018) from the Petőfi Literary Museum.

They consider it important that "only those authors who were able to give up the money offered by NER, choosing instead to go without, can get this scholarship.

"Of course, more or less everyone is a link in the chain who doesn't tear it permanently, but it doesn't matter how much someone agrees with the system and how much they negotiate. We want to provide an opportunity to those who try to move as far away from NER as possible."

Right now, quality is important, although it is not always the case

According to Gergely Péterfy, the cultural (or cultural camp) expansion of NER is a matter of quantity, not art. "So it doesn't produce quality, but - say, similar to the total uniformity of rural newspapers or the uniform comments of its troll army operating on Facebook - it spams and trolls the same everywhere.

As the NER passes, the whole thing disappears without a trace (leaving minimal digital dirt). We support literary quality."

Gergely Péterfy's stand for literary quality is interesting, he was very understanding a few months ago Péter Nádas' international literary award. As we wrote , quite amazingly, the International Literary Prize awarded annually by the Berlin-based organization Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Haus der Kulturen der Welt, abbreviated: HKW) as a vision of the woke craze that is conquering the West is not awarded to the best work, masterpiece by the jury It was given to Péter Nádas, because he is already an accomplished white writer, and moreover he is a man, so politically Cherie Jones had to be chosen.

In relation to the case, writer Gergely Péterfy also spoke about the award on the ATV Start broadcast.

the point is that literary awards are not only about the quality of the texts.

In many ways, awards are political matters

From the outset, many people see the quality of the texts differently, here of course the opinion was clear that Péter Nádas's text is the best, but the awards - and those who came across this argument according to the article published in Die Zeit were right in this - are political matters in many ways . They go far beyond the narrow literary circle within which they are distributed, and direct the world's eyes to certain problems and certain topics through certain persons," revealed the writer.

And this is always thematized by the cultural milieu of the problem it wants to shed light on, in which this prize is awarded - said Gergely Péterfy, who under certain circumstances believes in ideological and political discrimination in the field of culture.

For the German cultural milieu, the white man as a literary problem has existed for a long time,

and they basically try to restore gender equality, so that as many women as possible appear in literature and that we see as many female names as possible, and the same is true for the cultures of peoples outside of Europe," Gergely Péterfy pointed out.

The Péterfys themselves are the NER

Returning to the scholarship after this short overview, we will share Sándor Jászberényi published on Facebook:

"Dear readers, I would like to apologize to everyone, but especially to the Péterfy couple, because I claimed that they are hypocrites with corrupt and double standards, who make it a condition for young people not to benefit from the literary grants given by NER, while they and their circle of friends are much more they are more forgiving. Please forgive me for accusing them of hypocrisy. My excuse is that I didn't scratch their small business at the time (I'm sitting in Beirut, a war is brewing).

I was wrong about them being hypocrites. It's much worse. The Umbrian revolutionaries are the NER themselves.

Felhő Café ltd. according to its owner data sheet, the company has three owners: Gergely Péterfy-Novák, Éva Péterfy-Novák, and Edit Varga. Edit Varga is the wife of János Kóka, who is one of those former SZDSZ politicians who started approaching the NER at supersonic speed after the system was consolidated. Already in 2015, he received a diplomatic passport from Kóka Szijjártó, and was a member of government delegations led by Orbán several times. The friendship between Péter Szíjártó and János Kóka is wonderful and publicized in the press.

Kóka also promoted Felhő könyvs on his own social media, although he remained silent about his family interest in the company, just as the Péterfys somehow forgot to mention that while they are inciting an armed uprising against the NER, and beating themselves to the ground by claiming that they are intellectual they live in exile in order to preserve their intellectual integrity, NER bought into their company from the beginning.

What can be said to that? Nothing. The facts speak for us. They say, for example, that

every country has the revolution rates they deserve,

and that you shouldn't complain that it stinks if we're also shitting in the meantime. Most of all, however, they show what kind of people make it a condition for a scholarship that twenty-year-olds cannot accept NER money while they are sitting on it."

Cover photo: Gergely Péterfy-Novák, Éva Péterfy-Novák - Photo: Facebook