We are happy to announce that SINKA has been accepted as a new breed today - the Association of Hungarian Breeds announced on August 7.

Our partner in the broad domestic canine professional field is the Hungarian Canine Association, through which the breed is also recognized internationally. Based on the breed description prepared by HUKOSZ-MESZ, this is a milestone on the path of a dog breed with excellent character that was bred by shepherds and entered the pedigree stock of HUKOSZ-MESZ and MKSZ. The WCHSA recognized the breed as a new Hungarian national dog breed in breed group 1 - shepherd dogs.

With this, we want to record the possibility of maintaining and developing the stable characteristics of the breed, based on the stock in the hands of the shepherds, thus enriching the traditional cynological values ​​of our country. Based on BA's national and international breeding program, we are confident that the original scope of the breed can be strengthened, and we can take care of the Hungarian national traditions of in-situ shepherd dog keeping in the framework of social cooperation much more effectively than at present.

Special thanks to Aniko Pozsonyi for her selfless work in the program! On behalf of the WCHSA, thanks to Ms. Elena Pavlova, Vice President, and Mr. Avram Petkov, President!

Photo: (HUKOSZ-MESZ archive)

Csikasz Csabrendeki – breeding male

(04.06.2018, MKSZ-OTK-Sink.1/2019/1.B., 981020000179925 T: György Takács, t: Éva Bagyula)