There is quite a lot of trouble in the tower when Telex and other media are already reporting on the fact that a woman cannot choose a traditional life with her husband and family. He must be brainwashed! Her husband is manipulating her! Save him from himself!

It's very bad. But let's start from the beginning!

Telex published an article where they present from a critical perspective the story of Hannah Neeleman, who became popular on social media as the founder of Ballerina Farm. For those who don't know the lady: she lives on an American farm with her husband in the state of Utah, and is the mother of eight beautiful children. Anno was a ballet dancer, and now she is at home with her children, farming on their farm, cooking, participating in beauty pageants and producing content. Ugh, it's terrible, isn't it? According to the Telex article (which was inspired by a Times article, by the way), Hannah's life is far from as idyllic as it seems, and she faces many challenges, such as a controlling relationship with her husband. Tell me how they came up with this, I'd be curious...

However, I, as a conservative woman, somehow see this story from a very different perspective. First of all, I think it is important to emphasize that it is only Hannah's decision to focus on her family and traditional roles, which, let's face it, in today's completely lost world, is an honorable and very beautiful choice!

Because she could easily shake her butt in a thong on OnlyFans, but she started a family and happily bakes, cooks, farms, and sometimes even competes in beauty contests. I understood the "restrictive" relationship mentioned in the article more as a commitment to shared family values ​​and goals, since anyone who has been in a serious relationship (or lived a family life) knows exactly that it is not about wanting to fulfill ourselves and impose this on the other down his throat, but we are trying to fulfill ourselves together, to work together to make it good for both of us (or if we have children, then for us), and this is what for many is the source of true happiness and fulfillment, not trying to achieve self-realization in the wider world .

It would be great if the "you'd rather have a dog than a child" crew understood that Hannah's lifestyle represents values ​​such as respect for family, work, and traditions, which are not only important to many, but we also look up to her. he manages to live his life this way. In today's world, these things are often underestimated, even though they bring true satisfaction, happiness and fulfillment to so many women. And let's not even talk about the fact that Hannah is not tied to the radiator between the bedroom and the kitchen, where she can only choose between cooking and childbirth. Hannah is not only a wife, mom, but a teacher who homeschools her homeschooled kids, a farmer who runs a farm with her husband in an incredibly cool way, and an entrepreneur (or BOSSASSBITCH in your parlance)… So where is the problem? It just seems to me that the combination and balance of these does not show that traditional roles hinder women, in fact! These roles came about as a choice, and for this woman they mean happiness and success. So why do they want to drag him?

Instead of the "critical points of view" presented by Telex, I rather see that Hannah's story highlights very nicely that choosing traditional female roles can provide an opportunity for self-realization. For many women, focusing on family life does not mean giving up on career or personal dreams, but rather complementing them.

Hannah inspires me, and I think many other women, to respect women's choices, no matter what life they choose. His life and work prove that success and satisfaction can be achieved by being committed to traditional values...