It is not a turning point, but the totalitarian state is arriving in England.

It is indecent to laugh cynically at this point, but it just doesn't want to happen to the number one prophet of the progressive left, Comrade Marx. No matter how he predicted it from chicken guts, no matter how he felt it from his oracle, communism (and one of its permutations) will never be realized first in the most developed industrial society; Russia used to be a backward, feudal agrarian country, around the time when Lenin embraced the theory in addition to syphilis, and today England can be called anything but an industrial superpower.

It is a fact, or a fact-checked, confirmed fact, that it is not the entire British society, but only its lowest strata, including the working class, as well as football hooligans who reject violence ab ovo, that are trashing shops and slapping the police all over Great Britain. But this does not mean that everything is fine anyway, and it is enough to commandeer power, and then the people involved get bored and go home, as in previous upheavals; the problems and causes of the riots still exist. The far-left government that has just taken office must do everything differently than the previous center-left government formed from the Tories, in order to prevent the worst, the real civil war, chaos, anarchy, and the state of "wolf for man". Instead, they prefer to feed the “Leviathan”.

The message is that the state will protect you if you are obedient, if you do not post, do not speak and do not have your own opinion on the processes that fundamentally determine the future of your country!

Everything must be done, every tool must be used, just let there be peace! - came a sigh from the chests of the enthusiastic representatives of the mainstream media. As one, they ask the state to crack down on the disaffected, on all those who believe that multiculturalism is not a miracle to be celebrated, but the end of England. They want to unite the "nation" in a big and deep cover-up, that can come for you at any time in the mood of that certain curtained car.

They could have acted differently if they had not wanted to squeeze the demands of the totalitarian state out of society.

Because a good dictatorship is like a boring summer hit on the radio even in the 90s - callers asked. The first thing they should have started with was honesty. It's not too complicated, they make up their minds and get up the next day without lying. It is relatively easy to implement, you don't even have to tell the truth right away, it is difficult to completely change the biorhythm. It's enough if they don't suddenly start saying the opposite of what is reality. But the British elites have already failed here, the press obliviously lies at full throttle, and the politicians take easy pleasure in the simulacrum manufactured for their pleasure.

An excellent example of lying is when the same newspaper accuses the Russians that the riots broke out because of the disinformation they spread, then Elon Musk with the same, and in the third second they write that Tommy Robinson is behind it all, who is the Muslim Mossad- anti-subversive agent, finally the defunct English Defense League is named as the culprit. Because why not?

Just don't say that it was a shame to let millions of foreigners in, or that we got away with it, in Europe only the French, the Dutch, the Belgians and the Germans committed such an abomination.

Not only the police, but the entire British institutional system has been appropriated by the woke progressives, and they are now enjoying their monopoly of violence. They rub the obvious under the citizen's nose, that yes, they really allowed e.g. to violently disturb the pro-Palestinian mobs, they really let the BLM movement, which is hard to understand even in America, to rage, while those who go against the official state ideology get serious prison terms for similar actions, facts and figures. It is possible to shout that the task of the police is not to help an ideology win, but to carry out its task according to its principles, but on the one hand, the dog is not interested in that, and on the other hand, the police dog is.

About 50,000 stabbings take place in England every year, thousands of teenage girls are raped by migrant gangs organized on various ethnic grounds, the suburbs are repulsive and nauseating, public services are overburdened, housing and normal work are impossible for the middle class and below.

And all because they let in every year a mass of people, equal to one or two percent of the population, who have no use in the real world, only trouble with them. Because compared to the Polish plumber, the Moldavian beggar and the Bangladeshi religious preacher with eight wives and thirty children are completely incomprehensible in a modern civilization, even if this makes the communities colorful and exciting. (Okay, they're really exciting.)

But since they cannot say this, because these facts contradict everything they believe about the world, what they learned at university and what was drilled into their heads during the American scholarship, they have no other idea left to suppress social discontent than total repression, censorship, the police state. An obvious trick is to conflate anti-immigration with Nazism and fascism, and it is not only useful because it can be easily criminalized, but also because it is excellent for inciting the stupidest, most indoctrinated good-natured idiots, starting with antifa, to finally perform turbulent scenes together with sticks and with burned shops in public areas.

And what happens when the conflict between immigrants and natives is recast as a battle between good and evil?

Certainly, the state must come, with great power and an all-powerful will. Let there be peace at last! Mutual respect and understanding in the shadow of rubber sticks - as III. Károly also formulated it the other day somewhat confusingly.


Featured Image: Mourners pay their respects at the site in Southport, northwest England, on July 30, 2024, after a 17-year-old man of Rwandan origin attacked children with a knife at a Taylor Swift-themed dance, yoga and bracelet-making event the day before. Three children lost their lives, eight others and two adults are being treated in hospital. MTI/EPA/Adam Vaughan