From November, gender identity will be purely a matter of citizen decision in Germany.

According to the legislation that will enter into force on November 1, in the future, gender will be purely a matter of citizen's decision in Germany, which the authorities and the environment will be obliged to accept, along with all its legal consequences. According to the law, even children over the age of 14 can freely choose whether to be boys or girls, and the parents do not matter. Journalist and publicist Birgit Kelle talked about this, among other things, in Kossuth Rádió's Sunday newspaper program.

Birgit Kelle, when asked how it is possible that while athletes are regularly tested for doping, they are also tested for the use of illegal hormonal agents, it is necessary to debate whether a boxer is really a woman or rather a man, she answered the following:

– I think the problem is that the standards that have been used for decades in international elite sports are no longer valid. The International Olympic Committee feels empowered to set new standards or criteria for a person's masculinity or femininity, and these are no longer based on facts, but on interpretation, things like tolerance and anti-discrimination. We are now seeing the results of this in women's sports, said Birgit Kelle, who, according to

the problem is that no one asked women for their opinion.

“We have to have an ideological battle, and not just during the Olympics, about who is a woman and who is not? This whole thing is sweeping over Western countries like a giant wave, but it is not an ideological issue.

They want to overwrite basic, fact-based definitions, and ultimately the losers will be female gamers. They are the first really visible victims in this debate," he added.

The publicist also pointed out: thanks to the Olympic Games, this problem is getting more attention, and some people are finally realizing it, adding that this problem is not new in sports, as we have already seen men participating as trans women in various sports, and thus in fact, women's rights are being ignored. "In boxing, of course, this is even more dramatic, because ultimately the health of women is also at risk here. Both the Hungarian female boxer and the other female boxers only had the choice to either not compete, i.e. to protect their health, or to take on an inherently unfair and hopeless fight", pointed out Kelle, who has already written several books on this topic. .

- Actually, what always happens is that when they don't want to conduct a debate, they immediately avoid it, or claim that it's all just a conspiracy theory, or that it's all just right-wing, far-right propaganda.

Now, during the Olympics, they claim that it's all Russian propaganda, because the head of the international boxing federation is Russian. In other words, they use every means possible to prevent the real issue from being discussed, namely that the new definitions of women and men are established completely arbitrarily. Instead, they try to discredit those who fight against it. But I think it's not so easy here now because of the publicity of the Olympics. We can see that the public opinion of the world has recognized the problem that, thanks to the Internet media and online platforms, it is no longer only the established reports of the established media that appear. The reports of the German public media are currently receiving strong criticism even within Germany, explained Kelle.

– I don't think that the female or male gender can be redefined, because whatever new definition is created, it is completely arbitrary.

Once a fact is arbitrarily reinterpreted, it can be reinterpreted a second, third or even twentieth time. In other words, we have to decide whether we want to base decisions on facts or say that every feeling, every imagination is just as important as the facts.

Even now it seems that this is not working. Especially not where not only people's feelings matter, but where whether someone is a man or a woman has legal consequences.

It is indeed a very serious thing that is happening in Germany now. The so-called self-determination law will now enter into force. From August 1, anyone can go to the registry office and change their gender or their first name by making a simple declaration - Kelle summarized the amendments.

According to the soon-to-be-effective legislation, if someone in Germany declares that they feel like a man for being a woman, then everyone must take this into account.

- Until now, like many other countries, we also had a so-called transsexual law. According to this, medical opinions had to be obtained and someone had to actually undergo gender reassignment surgery. This was feasible for those who really feel that there is a discrepancy between their body and their head. Now that has been changed.

Doctors were eliminated, so all therapy, all medical advice, all expert opinion and so on fell out of this process.

In Germany, it is enough to go to a normal registry office and say that I want to be a man from now on. I can choose a male first name and then the registrar will confirm it and arrange everything so that I can then be entitled to a new identity card and so on. And society will have to accept this.

The law will enter into force from November. In Germany, all children over the age of 14 will be able to do this, even against the wishes of their own parents. If the parents are against it, the child can get help from the state, with legal advice, "helping" NGOs and so on. This means that in Germany we will now actually use our imaginations to determine people's genders. I can't find an explanation as to what was going through the minds of those who enacted this into law. Unfortunately, I can only give news about all this - explained Birgit Kelle.

The publicist pointed out: the consequences of which can ultimately be dramatic, especially for girls and women, because the fact that now all men can even identify as women also means that men can also enter previously protected women's areas.

"All men who identify as women can now dress in women's clothes, go to women's bathrooms and enter women's prisons. This is already causing problems, especially in England, where a law has been in place since 2010 that allows sex offenders to change their gender on request in order to be placed in a women's prison where they can continue to abuse other women," explained one of the expected consequences. part of the publicist.

The full interview can be read on the Híradó.hu website