A cross is placed on the pedestal, the most important symbol of 1,100 years of Hungarian statehood, Western Christianity and European culture.

By renovating the Citadel, which has been closed for many years and is now in a dilapidated state, we have paid off many decades of debt. Our goal is to return to the people a lovable location at the top of Budapest, where both domestic and foreign visitors can spend their time meaningfully - announced the official website of the renewal of the Budavári Palace District on Monday.

In the course of the works aimed at eradicating conditions unworthy of the World Heritage site, the condition assessment and archaeological excavation of the area were carried out, the reconstruction of the outer and inner walls of the fort and the tidying up of the inner courtyard are taking place in several stages. Thanks to the development, the green area will increase by one and a half times, and a new public park will be created inside the fortress wall.

As one of the most spectacular elements of the works, the walls on the north and south sides were opened.

Since March 15, 2022, the largest national flag of Hungary has decorated the Citadel. Every day, the flag commemorates the heroes who gave their lives for Hungarian independence.

Behind the Statue of Liberty, a spectacular set of stairs will be created, through which visitors can directly enter the park of the fortress. In the renovated cannon tower, a spectacular exhibition entitled the Bastion of Freedom will be created, showing the freedom struggles of the Hungarian people. In accordance with the planning of the development, the preparation of the exhibition is carried out by Art1st Design Kft. with the involvement of a wide-ranging team of experts, including historians, museum educators and screenwriters.

In parallel with the renovation of the Citadel, the professionals of the Castle Administration erected the group of statues, which had been neglected for several decades, so that the condition assessment, excavation and diagnostic work of the postmens and the statue can be carried out.

Repairs of the stone faults discovered on the plinth and erosion caused by the weather, as well as the replacement and restoration of the stone elements, are underway.

During the work, the specialists also clean the surface of the main statue and the other elements of the composition. In addition, the thousands of fastening screws in the sculptures are inspected and defects caused by possible cracks are also repaired. Currently, we as metal restorers replace the internal structural joints and clean the external surfaces.

A cross is placed on the pedestal, the most important symbol of 1,100 years of Hungarian statehood, Western Christianity and European culture.

A cross will be placed on the pedestal designed by the Stalinist Borisz Jofan, where the statue of the Soviet soldier used to stand, wrote the official site of the renovation of the Buda Castle District.

After the restoration works, the new design of the terrace around the statue will begin, the appearance of which will match the renewed exterior and interior public parks of the Citadel.

The work, consisting of several stages, is expected to be completed by 2026, and the opening of the exhibition is also expected during this period.

Cover image: The Statue of Liberty is renewed
Source: Facebook/National Hauszmann Program