Suffering from the consequences of mass migration in Germany, more and more people see the solution in the AfD, whose politics they compare not to the extreme right, but to the old CDU.

More than a thousand comments were received on an article in Die Welt, in which the newspaper reports on the AfD's campaign event in Thuringia, and they all point in the same direction: Germans are unhappy in their own country, and the main problem is caused by mass migration.

"Who is to blame for those who want to vote for the AfD? I live in Bavaria, when I go to work through the city center, I only see women in headscarves with prams. Every morning I think to myself that this cannot be my home," complained one of them.

Most people see it the same way, they don't feel safe in German cities.

Toni Kroos, the legendary footballer of the German national team and Real Madrid, who is retiring, also said that he would rather stay with his family in Spain, because he would not like to let his daughter out late at night in a big German city.

Anyone who walks through any city center today and doesn't feel like a stranger in their own country is blind, stated one Welt reader, while others emphasized that they basically don't like the politicians of the AfD, but on a daily basis they feel that something needs to be done urgently.

There are those who do not understand why the Welt journalist calls the statements of the campaign event far-right, according to him, the AfD is pursuing classic CDU politics from the time before Angela Merkel, and he would rather say, statements of common sense.

It is no coincidence that more and more Germans decide to learn Hungarian, but even the pride of Germany chose Hungary instead of their own country.

Cover image: A man is pulled over by the police at the main train station in Cologne
Source: MTI/EPA/Sascha Steinbach