Anyone hiking in Hargita County should expect the presence of shepherd dogs and venomous snakes in addition to brown bears.

Shepherd dogs cause at least as much trouble for hikers as bears, Székelyhon .

Örs Fekete, head of the Mountain and Cave Rescue Public Service of the Hargita County Council, told the Transylvanian portal about the dangerous zones, this year's incidents, and also suggested some possible solutions to deal with the situations.

The presence of bears in the vicinity of Szent Anna lake is constant, because of the large game, the mountain rescuers were alerted more than a hundred times, but not a single hiking trail had to be closed this year because of the bears.

Have bear spray handy

Terrified tourists often call the emergency services. On one occasion, the mountain rescuers had to distract the bear in the Vargyas Gorge.

Usually, by the time we get out, the animal has moved away, so there are very few realistic cases that really require intervention. We know he runs better than us, climbs better than us, swims better than us, so we don't have much of a chance against the bear. However, if there is a realistic threat of an attack, how we react is important

- emphasized Örs Fekete.

Do not turn your back on the animal or run away. Instead, you should carefully back away, preferably avoiding eye contact, until you can safely turn back.

If the animal is further away, it is worth shouting and creating noise. You can raise your arms, but not threateningly, just to make the animal feel that we ourselves are bigger than it.

We can prevent injury by using protective spray, but bear spray is only effective if it is not hidden deep in the backpack. As soon as the hiker feels in danger, he can immediately take it out and blow the animal in its face, even from ten meters away.

Sheepdogs are also dangerous

The protective spray is also effective for shepherd dogs. You can't take them lightly either, as there are usually several in one area. By now, shepherd dogs are at least as much of a problem as bears. It is important to never hike alone, because if something goes wrong, a helper can be a lifesaver.

If you meet dogs, you should face the animals with your backs to each other and speak to them calmly. In the meantime, another person can also call the shepherd, who is ideally nearby.

In a tight situation, the children must be taken to the center of the circle. You can also throw a slice of bread or other food to the dog to distract it.

Boots and thick socks

There is also a real danger of encountering a viper in Hargitán. It is important to never go into the forest or mountains in shorts, ankle socks, or slippers. Instead, you should dress according to the terrain and weather conditions. It is worth wearing long socks and high boots, this will protect you from snake bites. In the event of a snakebite, call the emergency number 112 immediately and notify the mountain rescuers.

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