A brutal Romanian provocation is being prepared in Csíksomlyo, an interior and gendarmerie training base is being built.

"An almost unfathomably brazen assassination is being prepared against Székelyland and the entire Hungarian nation. The Romanian state (here the state, not the government is the correct term, as it is the culmination of a decades-long deep Romanian mastery) plans to build it in the immediate vicinity of the most important pilgrimage site for Hungarians, i.e. the church of Csíksomlyó and the Somlyó saddle, where hundreds of thousands of farewells have been said. one of the country's largest interior and gendarmerie training bases with a shooting range, practice areas, barracks and service building.

The plots were stolen from their rightful owners by the Ministry of the Interior back in 1996, depriving the former owners of the five-hectare land and their descendants of the right to reprivatization granted in the compensation law.

The reason was the interest of the Romanian state, the disgraceful move was followed by many years of litigation, which ended in April of this year (unfortunately, of course) with the complete failure of the Hungarians at the Romanian Supreme Court of Appeal, against the Roman Catholic parish of the Church of Csíksomlyó and the private individuals involved. he gave the truth to the Ministry of the Interior.

If no one convinces the Romanians to see better, in the future, in the immediate vicinity of our sacred place, in the area bordered by the Catholic cemetery of Sereda, the so-called Kalász residential area, the Church of God and the Somlyó Saddle, in the future, indigo-blue mocking gendarmes and field pattern soldiers will be slapping and doing tiger somersaults. , while in the offices the gray gunars will guard the indivisible unity of "Greater Romania" and the exclusive right of the state language, if necessary whipping our brothers from Székely or the pilgrims from the motherland."

The entire article can be read in Magyar Nemzet!

Featured image: Kelemen Kinga/Maszol