The additional admissions process was extremely successful, more than 17,000 people submitted their applications to Hungarian universities and colleges, said the Secretary of State for Higher Education, Vocational and Adult Training and Youth at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation at a press conference on Tuesday in Budapest.

Veronika Varga-Bajusz stated that it was especially gratifying that 65 percent of the applicants chose a training field that is important from the point of view of the national economy and the labor market. These include, among others, technical, agricultural and natural science majors, as well as teacher training, he added.

He emphasized:

in this year's supplementary admission procedure, teacher education won the "gold medal",

more than 4,700 people submitted their applications for this field, far exceeding the economics courses that usually attract the most people. According to the state secretary, medical, IT and technical training fields are also popular among young people.

He also said that 44 percent of the supplementary applicants indicated a state scholarship program. Two-thirds of the applicants want to enroll in a bachelor's degree, and 15 percent of them are enrolled in a master's degree, he added. The state secretary called it an important result that the proportion of those choosing church-maintained institutions continued to increase: this time, 23 percent of the applicants applied for a church university or college. 56 percent of young people chose a model-changed institution, and 13 percent of them want to continue their education at a state university, he explained.

Veronika Varga-Bajusz also mentioned that the gap filling phase of the admission procedure lasts until August 15, after which the universities will hold the oral interviews and institutional admissions.

The point limits will be established on August 29, and future students who are successful in the supplementary admissions can thus begin their studies in September in their chosen major, said the state secretary, emphasizing that the renewed Hungarian higher education awaits everyone.

As is well known, the first stage of the higher education process ended on July 24, when about 90,000 people were admitted to university or college.

"This is already the second year when the number of admissions is outstanding, which means that renewed Hungarian higher education is attractive"

Balázs Hankó, Minister of Culture and Innovation, said at the time.


Featured image: Young people celebrate successful enrollment / MTI/Noémi Bruzák