Now I'll tell you what I want. For example, to hide from politics an unscrupulous globalist scum who wants to smear me. If you're already blatantly profiting from the garbage you offer, don't try to pry into the lives of sensible people, the opinions and thoughts of politicians and political trends.

There is a company that claims in its advertising that it knows what I want. You know a curd, my little mother/father! You don't even know me, how the hell would you know?

Now I'll tell you what I want. For example, to hide from politics an unscrupulous globalist scum who wants to smear me. If you're already blatantly profiting from the garbage you offer, don't try to pry into the lives of sensible people, the opinions and thoughts of politicians and political trends.

What does Rossmann do? Elon Musk's company, Tesla, is announcing a boycott, announcing with a show-off that it will not buy electric cars from Musk's company in the future, because - hold on, because the big one is coming! - Supporter of Donald Trump.

First of all, who the hell cares who Rossmann buys or doesn't buy from? Or do they think that this company is so important to us that we will follow what it represents with intoxicated devotion? There will surely be such a thing - a brainwashed portion of the commenters is certainly like this, but they never had an independent opinion, they always compulsively align themselves with someone or something -,

the thinking person, on the other hand, will not only not follow the bad example, but is outraged by this kind of multi-pockishness and turns against its publisher.

Second, how presumptuous is it to think that Elon Musk cares what Rossmann announces? As far as knowing the American billionaire is concerned, the kencefice distributor's decision is almost as important to him as what I had for lunch.

Thirdly: I don't know what position Tesla's electric cars occupy in today's still very limited market and whether their cars are cheap or expensive compared to the others. I guess they don't cost too much compared to the average, otherwise Rossmann wouldn't have bought the cars from them until now. I do know, however, that German electric vehicles are only available in the range between the astronomical price and the unaffordable. If, therefore, Rossmann switches from the cheaper to the more expensive, driven by some kind of self-righteous arrogance, it is an incredibly stupid business move by the company, which will harm not Musk's company, but themselves. By the way

due to their boycott, they deserve the food they have been given.

But fourth: how does politics get between deodorants, perfumes, diapers, condoms and toilet brushes? And what makes the German majority-owned company think it has anything to do with the American presidential election or Elon Musk's political beliefs? Well, the multis have no nationality, but if profit is the only consideration, what the hell are they looking for in the political bazaar?

Do they think that if the mass murderer (because she is endlessly and unabashedly pro-abortionist) Kamala Harris wins, that would sell more pads or condoms?

However, there are much fewer diapers, because the murdered fetuses will not become babies, and it is not possible to sell the infinitely overpriced baby things to the parents (because there will be no parents).

Of course, the self-confident expression of the multi-company was not really a big surprise, since for quite some time they have been spectacularly involved - not only Rossmann, but also a number of other multi-companies - in the shaping of politics. What they involve, they directly shape it, taking a stand against all deviance (enough to think of the mindless bathroom campaigns. For those who don't know, in some large companies, it is a policy that everyone can go to the bathroom according to the gender they imagine, and in many places separate lmbtq bathrooms are formed), but this is only a small slice of how they want to shape the world according to their taste.

Rossmann's expression is already a higher level, a real, arrogant insolence.

According to their advertising, they know what I want. I can only repeat myself: a freak! Many times I don't even know myself, but I am sure of one thing after this, which is what I don't want.

Shop at Rossman.

Cover photo: Illustration / Elon Musk, CEO of the American electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Motors and the American private space exploration company SpaceX - Photo:
MTI/EPA/Justin Lane