The award is donated by the capital through a tender, but the people of Budapest decide who will receive it.

For the third time, the Metropolitan Municipality has announced its application for the Capital City NGO of the Year award, which already carries a HUF 5 million cash reward, the Office of the Mayor announced.

    Applications can be submitted until September 9 via the form available on the capital's website or at the office's customer service office

they wrote.

They were reminded that the prize is donated by the capital through a tender, but the people of Budapest decide who will receive it. Its aim is to award recognition every year to the civil organization in Budapest whose activities have contributed the most to the development and livability of the capital and to improving the quality of life of the population.

    The incoming applications are ranked by the members of the Budapest Civil Database, and among the top ten, the people of Budapest decide who will receive the recognition title.

According to the information, the prize includes the symbolic key to the City Hall and a cash prize of HUF 5 million. This is an innovation compared to previous tenders, because in the last two years this amount was HUF 1 million.

Mayor Gergely Karácsony was quoted in the announcement, who said at the 2023 award ceremony: the work of civil organizations is essential; in addition to representing essential issues, they contribute to the maintenance of communities, convey information to decision-makers, and work voluntarily, donating their time and knowledge to communities.

    "In Budapest, we consider it important that the daily experience of these groups is not stigmatized, which is unfortunately so typical in Hungary,

but to proudly represent the cause they have embraced. That is why we created the Budapest NGO of the Year award. It is recognition for everything they do for the city," said the city manager at the time.

    In previous years, the Utcajogász Egyesület and then the Heti Betëlő Egyesület won the award.

This year's call for tenders and further details can be found on the municipality's website.


Photo: Mayor Gergely Karácsony holds a press conference at City Hall on January 17, 2020. The mayor said that the CT and MR waiting lists in Budapest for cancer-suspected diseases would be eliminated at a cost of HUF two billion a year.
MTI/Koszticsák Solid