Wokebusters were created by the woke itself: recycled communism, which attacks God, country, and family in the same way as its socialist predecessors in the name of progress.

"Wokebusters is the international rapid reaction force of the right: on the one hand, an online communication alert chain, and on the other hand - perhaps even more importantly - a series of events for personal contact," said Miklós Szánthó, director general of the Fundamental Rights Center, about the goals of the Wokebusters initiative.

The Center for Fundamental Rights announced at the end of July that it would launch the Wokebusters initiative. Regarding the project, Miklós Szánthó stated that "Wokebusters was brought to life by the woke itself: recycled communism, which attacks God, country, and family in the same way as its socialist predecessors in the name of progress. The only difference is that while the ideologies of the 20th century acted with the tools of physical terror and oppression, in the 21st century they do it all with soft, soft tools: beautification, referring to tolerance, comfort, and inclusion. They are not officially building a »world proletariat«, but an »open society«, but the essence is the same: to separate the individual from his faith, his nation, his family, and now also his created gender.

Only now the class struggle is called a "struggle for social justice", censorship is called "political correctness", propaganda is called "sensitization".

Wokebusters was created in response to this specter that is once again roaming Europe, in order to protect our normal Western lifestyle and common sense

- emphasized the Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights.

Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights

Wokebusters is "the international rapid response corps of the right: on the one hand, an online communication alert chain, and on the other - perhaps more importantly - a series of events for personal contact" . According to Miklós Szánthó, every day in the online space they fight "with the woke pökhend aristocracy".

They organize themselves into an international network based on the network of connections of the Hungarian right - for example, CPAC Hungary organized by Alapjogekért - which, if necessary, moves together either for the sake of a common cause or when they are attacked, "be it about migration, multiculturalism, about the sexualization of children or war psychosis, because that is also a product of woke. There is a transition between woke and war psychosis: if politicians make decisions on important social issues driven by ideology and emotion for decades, they will not be able to make decisions based on reality and common sense even in the case of a merciless war."

The enemy must feel that he is not facing isolated small groups, but a professionally organized global but anti-globalist community. We stand up for each other in all circumstances, and we say this on the industry camera - and we will also expand the community through conferences, workshops, youth camps and scholarships. In the fall, we will go on an international tour and the virtual presence will be even more extensive

Miklós Szánthó revealed.

"Behind the regular formations of the patriots are well-organized free teams"

"Woke's fundamental dark power is given by the cult of lies wrapped in benevolent propaganda: I think the Olympic opening organized in the name of "openness" or the case of the Algerian boxer shed light on this. If I want to put it very succinctly, woke is actually when men beat women in sports and even get a medal for it! This ideology turns everything on its head, it turns the abnormal into the normal, the exception into the rule - and you can and should act against this only in the public space," opined the director general, who is already satisfied that CPAC Hungary and the project even after its launch, many people joined that

"behind the regular formations of the patriots march as well-organized free troops".

Miklós Szánthó expects that it will be possible to pull the veil off "all left-liberal witchcraft and scheming" and to speak freely about "the cultural and physical dangers of this idea" . "The goal is a kind of "resensitization" to make it clear: there is indeed a difference between good and bad, since there are "exceptional situations" in the world, they cannot and should not be set as a general norm. Of course, migration has always existed in human history, but this is no reason to artificially increase it and change the cultural and social stability of Europe. Of course, sexual otherness has been a registered phenomenon since ancient times, but this is no reason for preschoolers to be "entertained" by drag queens, nor for them to make fun of Christianity at an Olympic opening ceremony in the name of "diversity of gender identities". And just as war is humanity's innate sin, it is not right that today the one who speaks the word "peace" is punished," said the director general.

Wokebuster ministers

Several foreign and domestic politicians have already joined the initiative of the Center for Fundamental Rights. At CPAC Hungary, the Wokebusters declaration was signed by the "real big guns of the international right-wing forces, the terror of the Bolsewokes".

The Wokebusters ambassador and international spokesperson is Gavin Wax, head of the oldest and largest Republican youth organization in the United States. "And - according to my hopes - he is the man of the next American president, Donald Trump, which will be a prime opportunity even after the November election," noted Miklós Szánthó. He joined the Wokebusters among others

• Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party,

• Santiago Abascal, president of Spanish Vox,

• Minister of National Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky,

• Péter Szijjártó Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

• Gergely Gulyás, Minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office,

• János Bóka, Minister responsible for European Union affairs,

• Máté Kocsis, Fidesz faction leader,

• as well as Italian, Belgian, American and Israeli conservative politicians.

Olympian Sándor Bárdosi, musician Feró Nagy and producer Philip Rákay joined the project, among others.

The ranks of the Wokebusters include several megaphone players, for example Dániel Bohár and Stefi Déri.


Featured image: Miklós Szánthó, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights/Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights