An Afghan migrant publicly threatened the Austrian chancellor.

The Austrian public discourse about Islamist terror seems to have stirred up the tempers of certain groups, as can be inferred from the fact that, according to the Kronen Zeitung report, a 28-year-old Afghan man threatened Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer with an assassination on his Instagram page. The Afghan man wrote:

“Change or I will cut off your head. I will go to the parliament and kill you”.

The man was originally detained for other violent crimes, the riot in Telfs, Tyrol. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution then began an investigation in close cooperation with the regional police units, and they also discovered his threats against the chancellor.

With his explanation that the devil had written the message, the investigators were at a loss.

The Afghan man came to Austria in 2015. His asylum application was initially rejected by the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum, but after an appeal the Federal Administrative Court finally granted it. In the meantime, his status as entitled to supplementary protection was revoked. In his message, he claims that he is a Christian and not a Muslim, but according to the Ministry of the Interior, this is not true.

Via Mandiner

Featured image: An Afghan refugee points on the railway tracks connecting Greece and Macedonia on the Macedonian side of the border fence near Gevgelija on March 27, 2016. Thousands were stranded on the Greek side of the border as Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia closed their borders to migrants. (MTI/EPA/Georgi Licovski)