The Ministry of Agriculture has spoken.

The Ministry of Agriculture is not aware of the introduction of an official price by the government

- they announced in response to the Pénzcentrum 's question. They also asked whether they plan to introduce official pricing for fuels other than wood, but the ministry replied that the Ministry of Agriculture is not competent for other fuels.

Therefore, the price cap established in 2022 – and implemented in April 2023 – will probably not be in effect this year either.

According to KSH data, firewood and briquettes became cheaper by 7.8 percent in 2024 compared to the summer of 2023 - but the price increase is still significant compared to 2022 prices.

They also inquired about what other fuel support can be expected. According to the ministry, within the framework of the social fuel program announced for local governments, socially needy citizens living in settlements with a population of less than 5,000 can request assistance in purchasing fuel for 2024. Municipalities could apply for the subsidy until April 30, and a total of 2,346 municipalities won subsidies for this purpose.

According to the KSH's database, which is updated monthly, in July of this year, a bushel of sawn firewood cost 7,640 forints on average nationally, compared to 8,290 forints a year earlier. One masa of briquettes cost HUF 17,280 in July, compared to HUF 18,020 a year ago.

In 2022, however, 100 kg of briquettes was only HUF 10,530, i.e. it is now more than 64 percent more expensive. Two years ago, firewood from Mássa was barely more than HUF 5,000, i.e. in July this year it was 52.5 percent more expensive.

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