Martin Wehrle, Germany's most popular career consultant, has a completely different opinion of the Hungarian Prime Minister since the peace mission, according to Baerbock and Scholz.

He convinced Martin Wehrle, Germany's best-known career consultant and the author of several best-selling books, of the correctness of the Hungarian position, who previously considered Orbán an autocrat, but yesterday he strongly stood up for him on his YouTube channel with 700,000 subscribers, Mandiner wrote.

"Viktor Orbán is doing everything to avert a disaster from us.

Viktor Orbán is just doing a job for which Annalena Baerbock is otherwise being paid.

He is saying a reality that Olaf Scholz keeps silent from us," says Wehrle in the video, adding: "I never thought that one day I would be praising Viktor Orbán here. But I will do it today, and I really hope that Annalena Baerbock and Olaf Scholz will listen and learn something from it.”

According to Wehrle, it is incomprehensible how the European leaders reacted to Orbán's peace mission - that they are not grateful to him, but on the contrary, they condemn him for two reasons: on the one hand, because Orbán "did not coordinate his trip, of course, because then it would have become public" , and on the other hand, because the prime minister "he said some very embarrassing truths, which nobody here wants to hear, because they are embarrassing for Baerbock, embarrassing for Germany, embarrassing for Europe".

The star coach expressed: he agrees with Orbán that a war is not about who is right and who is wrong, but about who dies and who survives. "This is a statement that could have been in the party program of the Greens 30 years ago," he says, adding that

"no matter what cause they wage war on, it is never a good cause".

At this point, he notes: it is no coincidence that the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is the only one who stood up for the Orbán peace mission, since "the very countries that had very bad experiences with Russia understand much more than the rest of Europe and especially America why it should now to set all tools of diplomacy in motion." According to Wehrle, Orbán has deciphered why there is no peace yet: because Europe is copying the American position, "we don't talk to Putin, because the USA doesn't either, we randomly deliver weapons, because the USA does the same, and we join every escalation step if it goes ahead the USA. That's why, that's why there's no peace yet." However, according to him, war can lead to global conflagration at any time, and today we are even closer to that than at any time before.

Summing up, he noted: today Germany has a foreign minister "whose job it is to do everything for peace" and a chancellor who has taken an oath to "prevent harm from the German people, and for this reason he should also do everything to for peace". That's why Wehrle

he is deeply ashamed of the fact that right now a quite autocratic head of state like Viktor Orbán is raising the flag of humanism over Europe, and that is why he is being humiliated".

He said: "I never thought too much of Viktor Orbán, I saw his image as a reactionary", but about what he is doing now, "I have a very good opinion, it is exemplary for European heads of government" . In closing, he called on Germany's leaders: "Mr. Scholz, Mrs. Baerbock - learn from Orbán in this regard!" He paved the way for peace. Don't let the United States lead you, go the way of peace with it, be kind!”

Cover photo: German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock's party, Alliance 90/Greens, at the congress in Bonn on October 15, 2022.
MTI/EPA/Sascha Steinbach