An exchange of messages can prove that Péter Magyar could have demanded VIP health care by referring to his wife, Mandiner on Thursday. According to the portal, "Péter Takács, the state secretary responsible for health, exposed the duplicity of Péter Magyar".

They reminded him: Péter Magyar invited the Secretary of State for Health Péter Takács to a meeting on his social media page. In it, Péter Magyar wrote: "Mr. Secretary of State, let's meet tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. in the VIP department of the Honvéd Hospital and show the Hungarian people the conditions under which you and members of the government can recover if their health is affected by theft on an industrial scale." . Péter Takács responded to the call in a comment, saying that he considers it especially rude that Péter Magyar is talking about VIP treatment, while he himself has repeatedly demanded VIP treatment for himself and his friends, referring to his ex-wife, Mandiner wrote.

They quoted the Secretary of State who wrote:

"If anyone is an expert on the VIP lifestyle, it's you!"

"Not so long ago, you were the one who demanded VIP treatment every single time for yourself, your relatives, and friends - you felt entitled to that as the husband of a minister. This is proven by your exchanges with me and other hospital directors, which we are ready to make public at any time". Péter Takács added: "When you thought you could do it, you used the opportunity without hesitation! I know you are trying to deny it in public, but this is the truth: you live under the spell of luxury, exclusivity, VIP experience. Your prank campaign against hospitals also only serves the purpose of diverting attention from the scandals arising from your ragging lifestyle."

Mandiner also reported that the state secretary drew Péter Magyar's attention to the fact that there is no VIP department at the Honvédkórház.

"You are certainly aware of this, since you also visited the institution in the recent past that you want to deny. What you obviously call a VIP with the intention of creating a mood is actually the Special Purpose Center," the portal quoted the state secretary, who reminded that the center treats patients whose increased protection is justified from a security point of view. As an example, Péter Takács listed who is treated at the center, such as Ukrainian wounded transported to Hungary as part of the humanitarian program, soldiers from allied NATO countries injured during a mission, injured in the line of duty, policemen integrated into criminal organizations and state leaders who must be especially protected from the point of view of national security. According to the portal, Péter Takács also stated that since the center is a NATO-certified unit, no photographic documentation can be made there.

"You obviously also know this, but your small action will be perfectly suitable for you to pose as a victim again and call for a dictatorship, as globalist politicians like you have done countless times before you"

Mandiner quoted the state secretary. They added: Péter Takács also wrote about it, the department was created in 2007 and has been operating practically unchanged since then, with the original, now nearly 20-year-old furniture. "Patients placed here are cared for by the same doctors who care for regional patients - due to their experience it is also important that they are not excluded from ordinary patient care - they are operated on in the same operating room by the excellent employees of the hospital, as for example the residents of the 13th district. What's more, they even receive the same hospital fees as any other patient recovering at the Military Hospital. Isn't it difficult to set this up as a VIP service?“ , Péter Takács was quoted as saying by Mandiner.

The state secretary also wrote that he - unlike Péter Magyar - goes to the regionally competent hospital, which in his case is Szent János Hospital. "The last time I was in the Covid-intensive ward was in November 2021, where the colleagues working there kept me alive with a Chinese-made ventilator, to whom I will be grateful for the rest of my life," said the state secretary responsible for health.

The Mandiner reported:

Péter Magyar "later admitted in a live that he had indeed visited this section, which he called VIP".


Photo: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák