Is the real Christian who, instead of mass on August 20, says that St. Stephen dreamed of a country led by Péter Magyar? Written by Francesca Rivafinoli.

God sees my soul, I didn't want to speak Hungarian, I had already written a whole page about something completely different - but then the Call .

I quote:

"We are waiting for the resolution of the Christian, family-friendly government and their propaganda", meaning in the case of Balázs Győrffy.

However, I suspect that, like the index reporter who tries to find out with harmless questions, but is thrown out, I have more than exhausted the concept of propagandist in the sense of Péter Magyar - because anyone who spams the Internet during the August 20 national festival with slang copied here and there, is called a 15-billionaire the lights and fireworks that actually cost HUF 197 per person, the responsible politician, who, on the other hand, with zero Facebook followers, from time to time dares to express his own little conservative opinion in sentences similar to the one I just read, bordering on inadmissibility, is a paid propagandist - so I wouldn't wait any longer the questioner, but my humble insights are already coming.

The party's recently elected EP representative leaves Fidesz due to abuse of women

One. Whoever publishes a post with the content "We are waiting for the Christian, family-friendly government's position" at 11:09 a.m., even though at 11:04 a.m. the text of the ruling party's clear statement was already out on the Mandiner,

unfortunately, he behaves like a death knave: he is not interested in the resolution, since he has read it a long time ago, but by creating a false impression, he tries to squeeze a few appreciative likes out of the case with a phase delay.

The fact that in the comments section under his post, moreover, the most rubbish whispering propaganda about which other politician has hit a woman and how many times is rampant, is just an additional "profit", so to speak, in a strictly Christian-family-friendly spirit.


A 40-year-old family man should not drink alcohol in all kinds of expensive entertainment venues, especially on weekday evenings, but not otherwise.

It is very sad when someone starting from Nemesgörzsöny loses his head in the fourteenth year of his political career to such an extent that he cannot think in time and soberly - and it is also sad because, along with many other colleagues, András Cser-Palkovics is an example of how it is easy to exercise power well for a long time do it too. Balázs Győrffy no longer holds any position, while András Cser-Palkovics sits firmly in the saddle with his new 74.11 percent authorization - this is, for example, a fairly firm position.

More tabloid-free sane conservatives who spend their free time reading and attending sports matches and less aggressively inclined, self-centered party faces in politics, I say.

Three. A "Christian, family-friendly" person learns about many things, but certainly not about the fact that he would ride on the act of a family man leaving public life with a statement beginning with "I failed", even for years.

Go, but don't sin again - such an attitude is to be expected, and according to the current situation, the person will no longer sin as a politician.

May God help him to climb out of this abyss as a private person.

On the other hand, it would be the most typical Pharisee behavior if someone would stand up now with his trivialized criminal record and smugly munch on the slippage of a reformed person. When, for example, Péter Jakab appears under the relevant post of Péter Magyar The Man and, following the principle of collective guilt, in his capacity as Péter Jakab, calls Fidesz politicians en bloc depressing women and children, there is something sickeningly disgusting about that. Those who instead listen deeply are certainly more Christian.

And finally: four.

A very common and serious misunderstanding is that those who claim to be Christians cannot commit unacceptable acts, and vice versa: that those who commit unacceptable acts were never Christians.

In the ideal case, of course, the believer walks in the world as an uncanonized saint every day of his life, but this is as rare as the immaculate conception - not even Jesus Christ himself could gather twelve of them around him.

There are, of course, certain factors that can somewhat help the strengthening of faith and resistance to temptations, as well as standing up from them, both at the level of the individual and society. On St. Stephen's Day, for example, every responsible Christian can decide whether to participate in the traditional festive mass and procession (or in the prayer hour that replaces the procession),

and there he takes to heart the admonition of St. Paul about debauchery and the pagan way of life leading to corruption, as well as the words of Jesus Christ about the different destiny of a house built on rock and on sand;

do you think about the sermon , in which he asks for God's blessing on the Hungarians in Hungarian; and whether he sings along with the tattooed, telepierced girl on the square and with the man in a strictly festive suit even in the heat, that "let us also be pure, heroes, saints, save our country like this", as befits the members of a thousand-year-old Christian nation - or rather, he organizes a political discourse on the whole thing.

Referring to it in a profane counter-séance instead of a mundane thanksgiving-pleading mass,

that Saint István dreamed of a country led by Péter Magyar:

for the good leader, while the song "reconcile from the heart with each other" is being sung in St. Stephen's Basilica, he chants a little festive "dirty Fidesz", promising his followers a heaven on earth, where - in contrast to today's situation, when "we don't even feel completely free, nor perfectly happy" - everyone would obviously be flooded with cloudless, perfect, ethereal happiness free from all constraints.

And then, would public life really be cleaner and holier if the true conservative/non-Christian Tiszas and the culturally Christian Fidesz would both get used to, or get used to, not only focusing their attention on the heavens during the fireworks, and if the male representatives of the parties at all times in the evening when choosing their program, they would routinely run a "István, what would you do?" type control question, we do not know that yet. But we probably wouldn't lose much if everyone finally gave it a try.


Featured image: Péter Magyar/Facebook