The saleswoman immediately recognized the seriousness of the situation and quietly notified the police.

That was all the victim dared to do in the presence of the aggressor, but it was enough for the saleswoman to understand the situation.

A silent call for help is just a tiny movement that is both invisible and visible, silent but still screaming, and is able to connect two people, even strangers, for a moment, save a life, or turn a desperate fate around.

it was written on the website.

This is exactly what happened recently in Kaposvár, where a woman looking for a way out of a relationship that was not even free of physical abuse saw the only solution as asking for help from a clothing store salesperson. That was all the victim dared to do in the presence of the aggressor, but it was enough for the saleswoman to understand the situation and call the police without being noticed.

The police were on the scene a few minutes later. The 23-year-old man was arrested, then interrogated and detained due to well-founded suspicions of domestic violence, and preventive detention was also ordered.

If you experience a silent request for help, call 112 immediately!

Featured image: Thinkstock / Illustration