He got fed up with the level of domestic politics and deleted his Facebook page.

gave an interview to Telex , according to whom he was so fed up with the level of domestic politics that he seriously considered retiring. He will definitely stay until the next parliamentary elections, because

"if I already have my mandate until 2026, and the LMP has partially reached this point with the strategic direction I have designated, then it is only fair to see it through."

He deletes his Facebook page because he no longer sees much sense in that kind of politicking, but at the LMP's renewal on Saturday, he will run again for the post of co-president. He exercised self-criticism regarding his party's performance on June 9, and according to him, several bad decisions were made in connection with the elections. According to him, one of these was that he led the EP list, but "it doesn't matter, because if a green prophet had been the leader of our EP list, we wouldn't have finished ahead, because unpredictable things happened in Hungarian politics this year," he said.

According to Ungár, they also did not understand the message of the Péter Magyar phenomenon, that "the opposition voters have problems with the opposition elite" , and they believed that if the LMP was the most critical in relation to this elite in addition to the coercion, the voters would honor it.

"We did not assess this well, the voters were not interested, because we were still part of the coalition".

To the question of what will happen next, the co-chairman of the LMP answered:

"I personally and the LMP kicked me out of the institutional opposition. It is an interesting question that we are then, but we are no longer part of this opposition."

According to Ungár, the LMP can still be considered an opposition party from the point of view that it is critical of the government, but "it is not a member of the opposition coffee house, from which we have always been looked at. The question is more about what we were doing there for so long. I think that's the main credibility problem."

The co-chairman of the LMP believes that the Péter Magyar phenomenon "has ruined the previous opposition policy." He put it like this:

"No more two-sentence posts and running around in Winnie the Pooh costumes."

Featured image: Mandiner/Márton Ficsor