We are pleased to announce that the MOL-New Europe Foundation is announcing the Children's Healer Plusz 2025 program!

The Foundation considers the support of social and charitable assistance activities to be particularly important, especially the support of long-term, seriously ill persons in need of care - especially children and young people - as well as their communities, institutions and organizations that support the former groups, stabilization of the condition of patients and those in need of care, in order to improve and ensure rehabilitation, increase the service level of the supporting institutions and promote their operation.

Eligible programs according to the application objective:

• Systems-based, family therapy interventions organized for the target group

• Systematic group interventions organized for the target group

The detailed call for tenders can be viewed on the following page:


Application deadline: September 2, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

Implementation period of the tender programs: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025.

Target group:

Children under the age of 18 who are receiving treatment or care within the framework of institutions providing inpatient or outpatient care contracted with the National Health Insurance Fund, suffering from a somatic or psychological illness, recovering from an illness or living with it permanently (for example, hematopoietic, neoplastic, respiratory, digestive, children with hormonal, locomotor, psychiatric diseases or some kind of disability); and their close relatives and family members living in the same household (parents, foster parents, grandparents, siblings).

People with disabilities are an exception to the 18-year age limit, and programs can be planned for them up to the age of 30.

Featured image: Illustration / Myriams-Fotos / Pixabay