Péter Takács said that Magyar abused the opportunities provided by the legislation, since what he does in hospitals is anything but information.

What Péter Magyar is doing in the hospitals is a prank campaign - told the Magyar Nemzet . Péter Takács said: as a member of the European Parliament, the president of the Tisza Party has the right to receive information about the operation of public institutions. He indicated: the left-wing politician was cooperatively provided with the opportunity to contact the hospitals and ask his questions everywhere on the spot.

Péter Magyar abused the opportunities provided by the legislation, because what he does in hospitals is anything but information. He disturbs the doctors and the order of healing, he wanders up and down the hospitals for hours, while in the style of Péter Jakab he humiliates the colleagues who do their healing work with personal and dishonorable comments. That was enough!

Péter Takács recorded.

He said that Magyar Péter Szolnok went to the hospital on the weekend after ordering the management, which he had no right to do. He explained that the representative appeared in a patient care department even before the arrival of the hospital managers, and harassed the chief physician on duty, whose task was supposed to be healing. The state secretary called on Péter Magyar not to make health workers the actors of his vile political play, to let the doctors heal and the patients to heal in peace.

Péter Magyar's activities for self-serving political gain serve no one's interests. He doesn't want to present the truth, he just cooks his own political steak, but the hospital is not a playground for politics

he added.

The state secretary recalled that, according to Péter Magyar, the government wants to hide something in the health sector, which he called an impossibility. As he said

the XXI In the 20th century, nothing can be hidden, everyone can take whatever picture they want with their mobile phone, so what Péter Magyar is doing is nothing but self-serving incitement of emotions.

He indicated that everyone has seen a Hungarian hospital from the outside and the inside. - We have never claimed that everything in hospitals is perfect, as the technical condition of some hospitals is better, while others are worse - remarked Péter Takács. He said that the goal of the Hungarian government is to improve the conditions of patient care everywhere by providing adequate financial resources. The civilian government did this in previous years, is doing it now and will do it in the future.

Regarding the feedback received from the hospital staff, Péter Takács said that, among others, the Szent János hospital and the Péterfy Sándor Street hospital

Péter Magyar took the medical and nursing members of the management away from patient care for long hours.

And in the video of the Tisza Party president in the Honvédkórház, it can be seen that he kept Professor Norbert Wikonkál up all morning, thereby hindering him in his administrative duties. In addition, he tried to hold the professionals to account, examine them, and teach them a lesson in a cheeky and outrageous way.

These people have already put something on the table, as they work for their hospital and their narrower and wider community, they are valuable members of society. Who is Péter Magyar compared to them? How do you get the courage to treat them in such a disrespectful and condescending way?

- added the state secretary.

Accordingly, today I ordered that all hospitals accept Péter Magyar only during working hours.

He is entitled to the same rights as any other member of the National Assembly or the European Parliament. You must register with the director-general, who will receive you in his office at a pre-arranged time and provide you with the information necessary for the representative's work. This is all that belongs to Péter Magyar, nothing more, explained the state secretary.

He stated that Péter Magyar had seriously abused the opportunity provided to him by the General Directorate of the National Hospital. He hindered the healing work, harassed the workers and disturbed the peace of the patients. This is now over, Péter Takács declared.

Featured image: Péter Magyar/Facebook