However, there is some connection between the plates stolen from the four-star hotel and the soap missing from the hospitals.

First, the news - a few days ago, the Kolping Hotel in Alsopáhok published the following post on Facebook:

“We tried… It didn't work. It has been a long-cherished dream of ours that the children could snack on such high-quality children's porcelain tableware at meals that Bobó winks at them. We tested porcelain factories and finally found the best one in Germany. Our graphic artists created unique graphics for plates, bowls and mugs. We were excitedly waiting for the first deployment. The children will be happy at dinner, won't they?

We didn't see what happened next. Almost half of the 50 plates placed on the buffet table disappeared in a few days. It's not broken. He didn't even go back to the kitchen. GONE. He wandered off somewhere during dinner.

We do not suspect, we do not accuse. We are sad. Unfortunately, this cannot be continued like this, so the deployment of the Bobo set has ended. We didn't order it to leave any trace of hip-hop. We will think about where we can safely delight the children with it. Can we have a delicious cookie on it in the cafe? It will be revealed. If you want, you can buy the set here on the spot, as before. Unfortunately, we can't put it out "just like that"...but it's so beautiful, isn't it?

It certainly gives you a devastating view of Hungarian society when the guests of a four-star, child-friendly hotel - presumably not struggling with financial problems - unabashedly steal from the hotel what they do for them.

Of course, no one from the Hungarian hospitals - especially the poor, absurdly poor gypsy - has ever stolen soap or toilet paper; if there isn't, it can only be the government's fault.

Viva, Péter Magyar, viva demagoguery!

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Featured image: Kolping Hotel/Facebook