According to SZVR, the United States fears that the ruling party will "continue its sovereign line" and will refuse to meet Western demands that are against Georgia's national interests.

The United States is preparing a "color revolution" in Georgia, the press office of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SZVR) claimed in its statement issued on Monday.

According to SZVR, the White House is extremely dissatisfied with the development of the situation before the parliamentary elections due on October 26. According to the information released by the Russian spy service, this is why pro-Western NGOs are recruiting a large number of volunteers to monitor the vote, with the task of exposing government abuses, through the use of "administrative resources".

The Russian agency claimed that

the "Tbilisi Maidan" is preparing to publicize the "evidence" of election fraud, refuse to recognize the results and demand a change of power. Law enforcement forces will be provoked to violently suppress the demonstrations.

"In addition, the Americans are considering in advance the possibilities of a ruthless political and economic response to the excessively violent actions of the authorities against peaceful citizens," said the information issued by the SZVR.

The Russian intelligence service believes that the ruling Georgian Dream party will be able to convincingly win the support of the population in the October 26 elections, as the opposition is divided despite American efforts, and its coalitions are very fragile. According to the SZVR

the United States fears that the ruling party will "continue its sovereign line" and refuse to meet Western demands that are contrary to Georgia's national interests.

"The White House finds this scenario unacceptable. In the weeks remaining until the elections, the Americans intend to greatly increase the pressure on the Georgian authorities in order to weaken the electoral positions of the Georgian Dream as much as possible," the SZVR press office stated.

Prime Minister Irakli Kobahidze stated in July that members of the United National Movement party of ex-president Miheil Saakashvili are trying to make the country follow the Ukrainian scenario.

According to Kobahidze, once Saakashvili's supporters come to power, they will drag the country into the conflict in Ukraine in order to open a "second front" against Russia.


Cover image: Illustration / MTI/EPA/Samuel Corum