The 26-year-old Syrian man came to Germany as an asylum seeker.

The Syrian man was detained on Sunday in connection with the stabbing attack in the city of Solingen in Germany, who had previously voluntarily surrendered to the authorities, and proceedings were initiated against him on suspicion of murder and belonging to a terrorist organization.

According to the decision of the Federal Court in Karlsruhe, the 26-year-old man will be kept in custody until it is decided whether he will be charged. According to the federal prosecutor's position, the suspect shares the ideology of the Islamic State and was driven by the terrorist organization's radical views when he used a knife to kill and injure several people on Friday night. According to the public prosecutor's statement, the man

he wanted to "do away with as many non-Muslim believers as possible" at the Solingen festival.

On Sunday, Islamic State released a video it said showed the Syrian perpetrator before the attack.

In the footage, the man's face is covered, he is holding a long-bladed knife and swearing allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State in Arabic. He refers to himself as Samarkand A., which may be a fighting alias, and claims to be from Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria, where cells of the terrorist group are still active and carry out attacks. In the recording, the man says

intends the attack in Solingen as revenge for the murders committed against Muslims in Syria, Iraq and Bosnia.

Addressing his parents, he also claims that he wants to take revenge for the "Palestinian people" who are forced to suffer the carnage committed with the support of the "Zionists".

The Islamic State's Amak news service had previously issued a statement saying that the attack on Christians was carried out by one of its members to "take revenge for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere in the world" . However, the jihadist group's statement was not supported by any evidence, nor did it reveal how close the attacker was to the Islamic State.

The terrorist attack took place in the main square of the West German town during a festival celebrating the town's 650-year history.

The perpetrator killed three people and injured eight others. According to the police, the attacker stabbed several times from behind and deliberately aimed at the victims' throats.


Cover image: Illustration / (MTI/EPA/Sascha Steinbach)