The background of Péter Magyar's summer scandals may be more and more narcissistic self-worship and the desire for a luxurious lifestyle, Zoltán Lomnici Jr., scientific director of Századvég, Origó

Since the elections, the president of the Tisza Party, who attracted attention with his unrestrained partying, his participation in VIP parties and his scandalous behavior, actually shows the image of a political public figure who cannot control himself. - According to analysts, such personality types often become addicted to social expectations and try to maintain their position in the media with their politicization of scandals - pointed out junior Zoltán Lomnici.

Péter Magyar's recent scandals, including a private party in a luxury nightclub in the Budapest underworld or unrestrained partying in the VIP section of Sziget, raise the question: is this part of a political career, or is it simply his true self unfolding?

According to experts, the phenomenon that scandals, superficial politicking and self-serving publicity have become a kind of "new normal" is becoming more and more widespread in public political life. Many people also draw attention to the fact that the modern communication space - especially digital media - plays a decisive role in broadcasting, displaying and "inflating" these events.

- highlighted the analyst.

The accusations refuted by the prosecution and the political credibility of Péter Magyar became questionable when it was revealed that he was trying to divert attention from his scandals with lies. According to Zoltán Lomnici Jr., such political maneuvers can seriously shake the confidence of voters later, since the basic norms of morality and law apply to everyone, including politicians.

If a politician does not tell the truth, it can have a harmful effect not only on his own career, but on the entire political environment.


Cover photo: Péter Magyar Facebook