The Pope emphasized that migrants bravely take risks in order to live in peace and security, so instead of border guards, we must create safe and regular routes for them.

The Pope emphasized that migrants bravely take risks in order to live in peace and security.

Pope Francis explained at Wednesday's general audience that humanity is indifferent to migrants who undertake life-threatening journeys across deserts and seas to find a better life, . -ta Mandiner quotes.

The Pope emphasized that migrants bravely take risks in order to live in peace and security.

In relation to the Mediterranean Sea, he stated that instead of the communication channel between peoples and civilizations, it has now become a cemetery. According to Pope Francis, many deaths could be prevented, and he condemned those who use all means to hold back migrants.

If all this is done knowingly, it is a mortal sin

- He told.

He added that

according to the Bible, you can't make foreigners suffer and suffer.

The Pope recalled that the sea and the desert have a symbolic meaning in the Bible. "They are witnesses to the drama of people fleeing oppression and slavery," he said. "They are places of suffering, fear and despair, but also places of liberation, redemption and the fulfillment of God's promises."

Pope Francis added that God himself shares the suffering of migrants. "He is with them, suffers with them, cries with them and hopes with them." According to the Pope, everyone can agree that migrants should not be in deadly seas and deserts. However, this goal cannot be achieved through stricter laws or border control.

"We can ensure this by creating safe and regular routes for migrants, providing refuge for those fleeing war, violence, persecution and various disasters," the Pope said. "We can also achieve this by building the global management of migration on justice, brotherhood and solidarity at all levels."

Cover photo: MTI/AP/Alessandra Tarantino