All organizations are congratulated for their persistent work, because the rehabilitation of these birds requires a lot of energy and patience.

57 white and 2 black storks entered the Sóstó Wildlife Center this year, and the last group of white storks recovered their freedom and left for Africa. Sóstó Wildlife Center shared in its post.

As pointed out, this habitat is an excellent gathering area for migratory birds before the long journey. In such cases, dozens of freshmen form a team and set off to Africa with the help of an elderly leader.

white stork wounded release

Photo: Sóstó Wildlife Center

During this breeding season, 57 white storks (Ciconia ciconia) and 2 black storks (Ciconia nigra) arrived at the center, 11 are currently being treated.

They were able to release or nurse 28 specimens.

9 animals died, and in 11 cases euthanasia had to be used due to gross, incurable injuries. Those who recover will spend the winter with them and will be released back into the open in the spring.

The most common cause of entry is the early flight of chicks, collision with an uninsulated wire and trampling.

white stork wounded release 2

Photo: Sóstó Wildlife Center

The security of the nests and wires can be carried out by the service provider and the competent specialist, but since they are highly protected animals, this also requires the permission of the government office. Camerad nests are very good environmental education tools, but you also have to understand if a nestling dies in it or the parent pushes it out, because this is the order of nature. There are a lot of 'newbie experts' in our small country, but we really leave these to experienced and competent professionals - quotes the wildlife protection center .

This year, there was a very stable reproduction throughout the country, which is why many storks were added to each rescue site.

Photos: Sóstó Wildlife Center