An eco-camp was organized by the Kisvárosi Voluntary Garbage Collectors (KÖSZ). The Komárom association invited those young people who wanted to learn more about sustainability, the way of waste and environmental protection to Debrecen.

Komárom the KÖSZ eco-camp, the participants' journey first led to Budapest, to the MOHU, where, courtesy of operational director Runtág Tivadar, the campers got to know the waste pyramid, the waste route. After that, they went to Kisköre, where they heard a presentation about the functioning of the PET Cup, and also saw the PET collecting ships. Later, they left for Debrecen, the site of the camp, wrote .

On the second day, Dávid Fehérvári, the leader of the association, opened the camp. Their guests were Richárd Bodrogi, director general of the Tempus Public Foundation, Imre Hegedűs, president of the National Association of Higher Education Colleges, and Dániel Tarsoly, head of the Department of Waste Elimination, Analysis and Training from the Ministry of Energy. During the day, there was a quiz competition, a presentation on the objectives of the European Union, and you could gain an insight into the mysteries of vermicomposting. Finally, the ecologist Csaba Aradi and the former director of the Hortobágy National Park gave a presentation about the stream and its environment.

On the morning of the third day, the campers batiked T-shirts, and then the program continued with a round table discussion. In the evening, they visited Hortobágy, where they watched shooting stars.

The next day, speakers came from the town hall and talked about the city's good practices and their challenges. Afterwards, they went to the AKSD waste management company, where they visited the landfill, the electronic waste dismantling plant and the hazardous waste pretreatment plant with group leader Péter Nagy. Later, they visited the Nagyerdei park, where Zoltán Váradi, the head of the nature reserve, presented the promenade of the bird-residential park and the activities of the Future of Debrecen.

The evening continued with a debate on the topic of Whose responsibility is it? volt. Later, they also played a green Activity, and ended the day with a farewell party.

On the last day, their journey led them back to the capital, where they visited the Capital Waste Recycling Plant. Here, Zsófia Marosfalvi gave a lecture on the operation of the plant. They could also see how the waste goes into the incinerator.

KÖSZ also teaches composting

KÖSZ members have visited several summer camps in Komárom in the recent period. They also went to the eco camp in Fenyves, Koppány Monastery, to pass on their knowledge to the children. The young people learned a lot about the importance of environmental protection and the Danube. Using the association's heat press, useful objects were made from plastic, such as rulers and bookmarks. Prior to this, the children at the Ács day camp learned from Boglárka Liszkai, a member of the association, about why composting is important and what can and cannot be thrown into the compost.

Photo: KÖSZ Kisvárosi Voluntary Garbage Collectors Facebook