Let's trust our ancestors, because for centuries they have kept the spirit in us. And of course, keep the gunpowder dry. Written by Katalin Kondor.

Hungarian people interested in politics could hardly be surprised by the announcement of our Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó the other day that "Hungary should expect serious attacks because of its sovereign foreign policy".

The attacks have been going on for many years, and it is no secret that the high-ranking and increasingly immoral EU assembly is far from satisfied with our foreign policy, but with almost nothing. The mysterious masters of the world neither want nor can tolerate it if someone has a different way of thinking than theirs and does not dance as they whistle. So we have been attacked non-stop since we joined the Union.

I don't know, although it will probably soon become clear what these serious attacks will be, since this shameful company from Brussels has already "introduced" itself to us quite a few times, and there was no thanks in it.

It is also becoming more and more obvious, at least to me, that sane citizens do not really understand why we tolerate all this. It would be nice to finally get an honest answer to this question.

We have no way of seeing into the world's political pitfalls, and it certainly makes one wonder what the serious attacks predicted by the foreign minister will be like. Are they affecting our economy? Are they damaging our relationships? Can we expect financial penalties? Are they really sending assassins on our necks? We can experience this every day because so-called politicians with ulterior motives who are unable to deal with the world situation and the serious problems in it are getting everything.

These are painful experiences, especially in the light of the fact that in the last couple of decades, many famous Hungarian thinkers have indeed predicted the dangers and the horror of the loss of our sovereignty.

The latest "story" is the release of the migrants on us, and behind it the extremely vile intention that we pay horrible sums, just because, according to the masters of Brussels, we Hungarians have to support all the migrants who emerge from the darkness of the night.

Well, this is more than an alarm.

This is what the late István Csurka just formulated: "The ultimate goal is the extermination of Hungarians. Not with guns, not with poison gas, but with financial policy, taking away our life opportunities, because others need space. Colored peoples, living in immeasurable poverty, but rapidly multiplying, migrate from east to west, from south to north. Big capital and banks facilitate this migration because it is in their interest. (…) Hungary will become an international national repository here in the middle of the Carpathian Basin, under the leadership of roughly the same international cosmopolitan stratum as today.”

You can't argue with these sentences and the intentions behind them. Not only because we can now experience what it contains on a daily basis.

The sentences above help us to imagine what the severe attacks predicted by our foreign minister will be due to our sovereign foreign policy. Unfortunately, we Hungarians have been used to attacks for a long time.

Their backlash portends more difficult times ahead of us.

And with the intention of some spiritual reinforcement, I quote Csurka again: "And to our enemies I say this without any emotion: they don't want to see the indignation, they don't want to experience the emotions that will explode from my Hungarian, Christian and Christian brothers after we are forced to our knees, after the rule of injustice is introduced . I hope you understand what Tamás Esze's foot soldiers and our commanding prince, II. With the wise moderation of Ferenc Rákóczi, they send a message: »Don't tear our wounds, because they will perish in them! I can't say anything else.''

About this Csurka quote at the time, more than 12 years ago, there was someone who said that the flea coughs.

Maybe he was right. However, I stubbornly said and still say: let's trust our ancestors, because for centuries they have kept the spirit in us. And of course, keep the gunpowder dry.

Hungarian Newspaper