Gyula Horn is the pride of the left, who played a significant role in the reunification of Europe, said László Varju, the party's vice president, at the DK's event in Budapest on Wednesday evening.

The opposition party to Budapest, Gyula Horn XIII. invited those who want the nearby promenade to continue to bear the name of the late socialist prime minister to his district statue.

According to Tuesday's judgment of the Metropolitan Court, the name is illegal, and therefore the provision of the Metropolitan Assembly to this effect was repealed.

Several MSZP and DK politicians, including Gergely Arató, Erzsébet Gy. Németh, Csaba Horváth and Zsolt Török, appeared at the DK protest event.

According to László Varju, Gyula Horn was a real European politician who is respected abroad, but the "exclusivity-seeking" Hungarian government meanwhile wants to silence those who protest. The vice-president of the DK called it a mess and a shame that "the government wants to nullify the memory of the former prime minister".

After László Varju's speech, MSZP's Imre Komjáthi spoke. According to the opposition politician, "the pitiáner system must be ordered to stop", which "wants to erase our common past".

In this situation, solidarity is the most important watchword, so we must unite, because what is happening is dishonoring the memory of Gyula Horn, he said. Imre Komjáthi also announced that the street name sign would be put back if anyone removed it.


Cover image: statue of Gyula Horn
Source: MTI/Barnabás Honéczy