The AI ​​worked on the basis of recent research results, which refutes the claim that the Shroud of Turin is a fake.

Based on the results recently published in Heritage magazine, the Shroud of Turin is considered an authentic relic and not a fake, as researchers previously believed.

The analysis by the Italian researcher Liberato de Caro and his group of the lentil cellulose in the linen fibers of the shroud by "wide-angle X-ray scattering" made it possible to examine the structural degradation of the fibers and to estimate the age, and based on this, the shroud really dates from the time of Christ.

According to the Italian researcher, the previous studies from 1988 (which branded the shroud as a forgery and dated it between 1260 and 1390) are not reliable, as they examined contaminated samples.

The Shroud of Turin is one of the most well-known relics of the Christian world, as it bears the imprint of a human face, the centuries-old belief holds that Jesus Christ was covered with this shroud after he was crucified.

As a result of the new tests, artificial intelligence was also called in to help, and based on the results, it generated an image of what Jesus Christ might have looked like.

The result can be seen in the opening image.


Cover image: This is what artificial intelligence might have looked like to Jesus
Source: Daily Express / Midjourney AI