A HUF seven billion program is launched to help needy families raising school-age children; in the project, a free textbook package for grades 1-8 is provided for six school years. for needy pupils in disadvantaged districts.

The project opening ceremony was held on Thursday at the XIII. in the district Pannonia German Nationality Bilingual and English Language Teaching Primary School.

Zoltán Maruzsa, the Secretary of State for Public Education of the Ministry of the Interior, reminded him at the press conference: In Hungary, education is compulsory until the age of 16, and in connection with kindergarten and schooling, the state and families have tasks, responsibilities, and expenses, and the state tries to ease the burden on families. As he said

that's why the state textbook supply was introduced in 2013, and the government also helps those raising children with family support and tax breaks, which is a significant financial help.

He added that, however, there are families where, despite these subsidies, it is difficult to purchase equipment, which is why they provide school supplies to a significant number of students every year from European Union and domestic sources. He said: in the project that is starting now, families with children receiving the regular child protection benefit (rgyk) will be provided with school supplies from European Union and Hungarian budget resources, for 84,000 students this school year.

Attila Fülöp, the BM State Secretary responsible for care policy, said:

the Parliament increased the income limit below which the regular child protection benefit falls by 40 percent, thus expanding the range of eligible persons.

He also said that the lesson packs were prepared and assembled by the employees of Főkefe, which employs people with disabilities. Gabriella Hajnal, president of the Klebelsberg Center, said: the project is implemented by the center, and the school districts help deliver the school supplies to those in need. Introducing the project, he said that starting from the 2024/2025 school year,

over six academic years, 430,000 school supplies are distributed out of HUF 6.9 billion, this year 84,314.

He added: in the project, mainly those who live in the beneficiary settlements and receive regular child protection discounts will receive the school supplies, but also those children who do not live in these settlements, but who benefit from the rgyk.

The packages, which are different for each grade, have been put together by practicing teachers, and the contents of the packages are reviewed annually. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus and the Hungarian budget, within the framework of the Human Resources Development Operational Program (EFOP) Plus.


Front page image: Illustration / Zsófia Koncz, State Secretary responsible for families at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (b2) and Katalin Kardosné Gyurkó, President of the National Association of Large Families (b) hand over school supplies at a lucky event to help large families start the school year on August 29, 2024. To the large families of Szerencs and the surrounding area, they put together and handed over school supplies worth about ten thousand HUF per child for thirty school children.
MTI/János Vajda