"It is important that the Hungarian state places the most important symbol of Christianity on a central national emblem, and clearly illustrates its own national identity and its relationship with the world!"

National symbols express the shared history, cultural heritage, identity and most important values ​​of a country - in our case, a nation. In addition, national symbols are also of special importance in the external, international dimension, as they represent the given country and show external observers a clear picture of its perception of the world.

The "Liberation Monument" served as a symbol of the celebration of the Soviet role in the war and the ideology and power of the communist dictatorship in Hungary occupied by the Soviet Union.

In accordance with the Hungarian national identity, the symbol was freed of its communist elements after the regime change, including the Soviet soldier holding the machine gun - which was already overthrown by the Hungarian freedom fighters in 1956, but was repaired by the government after the revolution was crushed.

Now Christianity, which forms the central core of Hungarian national (and once European) identity, faces continuous political, social and cultural attacks in Europe as well.

It is important for the Hungarian state to place the most important symbol of Christianity on a central national emblem, to clearly illustrate its own national identity and its relationship to the world! At the same time, let us express our gratitude to Christianity, which played an important role in the defense of the Hungarian nation not only from a religious, but also from a political and social point of view.

May the symbol of Hungary and Budapest, cleansed of the sins of communism, also proclaim the traditions of the teachings of Saint Stephen!

Management of CÖF-CÖKA

Photo: MTI/Zsolt Szigetváry