If, in connection with the opening of the Paris Olympics, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán pointed out - precisely - that the French showed themselves, what can he say to that scumbag who writes the People's Voice?

He doesn't say anything, because there are depths where neither a prime minister nor even an ordinary citizen can descend. If I had to paint a colleague's character on paper, I have no idea what adjectives I would find. The fact that he is a slob, a jerk, a fool is not even close to the base reality.

If this person is a journalist, then I am a ten-time Pulitzer Prize winner. But since I'm not, the mentioned person is not a journalist either, just a writing groper. And the fact that he is employed by a theoretically serious – of course far-left – media shows a terrible certificate for his workplace, Népsva.

It is true that the named person did not publish his vile thoughts in his newspaper, but on his Facebook page (which revolves around genitals), but because his editor-in-chief did not distance himself from the unqualified post even as a signal, he lowers the organ to the same level as him.

Everyone has the right to their opinion and to publish it, as long as they put it into a salon-worthy form measured on a human scale. However, the manifestation of this formation (I borrowed the definition from a mayor belonging to the left-liberal side) can in no way be called a showpiece.

It is not worth wasting a word on his hateful, snarling lines, as I said, he has the right to form an opinion, so let him branch out as he likes. It is another matter that in the case of the use of mobile phones in schools, he is trying to continue to speak not words of reason, but nonsense pumped into politics. But do it, the same is being done by the line of politicians of the partisan parties who are lying on their side. Of course, they have no idea why restrictions on mobile phone use had to be introduced, and they cannot and have never been able to list acceptable counter-arguments. It only takes them so long that they feel hot and have a fever. This mobile issue seems to be a good excuse, young people living in the addiction of pressing keys are just as easy to provoke as drug addicts, if the drug is suddenly taken away from them.

This is a despicable, disgusting action, because apparently they are acting in the interest of addicted students, but in reality they are simply trying to use them as a political tool. Are they harming young people? So what? The point is that they are tuned against the government.

Is the method vile, vile, disgusting and repulsive? Yes, it is. But, unfortunately, it still "fits" into the permitted framework of political manipulation.

On the contrary, what the already mentioned extreme being (journalist? No way!) allowed himself during his neurotic rampage, does not fit anywhere. Neither in the profession, nor in the range of human manifestations. Because what did he recommend to the students?

It is already unacceptable that he encourages them to go against the current provision and bring a mobile phone to school just for that reason. It's a big question, what kind of legal qualification does such an invitation have, but since I'm not a lawyer, I don't know that.

But what kind of human qualification does your call have, that if the child is already "telo", take a photo (dick pic, loosely translated as "dick photo") and send it to the BM portal from fake profiles. "Finely" adds: "Let the beasts rejoice."

This face has a cheeky soul, isn't it?

Now, in addition to the disgust that every sensible person can feel when reading such a stupid expression, I also don't understand something. All right, journalists—all of them, including me—have narcissistic, self-righteous tendencies. Some are smaller, some are larger, but it is in all of us, otherwise we would not want to pursue this increasingly repulsive and dishonest occupation. But what this referendum asks for in self-affirmation surpasses everything.

Why do you think that anyone in BM would be happy with the photos taken of him?

Cover photo: MTI/Zoltán Balogh