If it is not possible to find a solution to the situation that arose for the first time in Hungary, that III. district mayor, László Kiss, can participate in the work of the representative body, then the Parliament can go so far as to dissolve the Óbuda representative body in a multi-round procedure and call a new election - explained Zoltán Kiszelly, Századvég's political analyst, to hirado.hu director, according to whom Ferenc Gyurcsány is trying to make political profit from the László Kiss case, or, as András Schiffer put it, he is carrying out base consolidation.

If Óbuda's new representative body is not formed by October 15, the Parliament may dissolve the body, and the position of mayor will also cease to exist. Mayor László Kiss can only avoid this procedure if he resigns, essentially there is no other way for him - wrote on Thursday jr. Referring to the constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici, the Magyar Nemzet . The mayor from the Gyurcsány party became a suspect in the Óbuda corruption scandal in mid-August, according to the current situation, he should account for HUF 18 million in bribe money.

Zoltán Kiszelly, the director of political analysis of Századvég, explained to our paper: if it is not possible to find a solution to the situation that has arisen for the first time, III. district mayor, László Kiss, can participate in the work of the representative body, then

the Parliament can go so far as to dissolve the body and call a new election in Óbuda in a multi-round procedure.

"The representative body must be called on in several circles to declare how it intends to induct the mayor and how László Kiss intends to participate in the daily work, this will be possible from October 1 at the earliest. If, after that, he does not take over his mandate or participate in the work of the representative body for one year, the Parliament may, on the proposal of the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office, declare the dissolution of the body, the termination of the mayor's mandate, and may call a new election.

Legally, it is therefore awaiting clarification that the members of the representative body will go to the mayor in prison and take the oath there, or that the mayor will be released with a tracker attached to his leg so that he can take the oath,

or perhaps the entire procedure can be completed online. Defining this is the task of experts and lawyers," emphasized Zoltán Kiszelly.

Remote negotiation, as in the past in transit zones?

The political analysis director of Századvég recalled: the situation is reminiscent of the first years of the migration crisis, 2015 and 2016, when migrants placed in transit zones could communicate online. Asylum applications were judged or appealed over the Internet. However, he emphasized that this is a legal and professional issue, so he does not wish to take a deeper position on it.

To the question that, according to Ágnes Vadai (DK), the conceptual procedure against László Kiss was requested from the highest circles of Fidesz, Zoltán Kiszelly emphasized: the prosecution initiated a procedure against the mayor of Óbuda based on well-founded suspicion, and László Kiss was arrested as a result.

"I can answer him what Tamás Menczer (Fidesz-KDNP communications director - ed.) also wrote: we are waiting for the proof. In the absence of evidence and facts, whatever Ágnes Vadai says is nothing more than a political statement"

- said the political analysis director of Századvég.

Zoltán Kiszelly added: the DK and its leader Ferenc Gyurcsány are trying to make political profit from the László Kiss case, or as András Schiffer put it, they are consolidating their base.

"Gyurcsány's goal is nothing more than to keep the remaining 8 percent of the DK's voting base together, and that their voters and mayors - following the principle of mass attraction - do not transfer to the Tisza Party" 

- said Zoltán Kiszelly.

Source: hirado.hu

Featured image: László Kiss (Momentum–DK–MSZP–Párbeszéd–LMP), mayor of Óbuda (Photo: MTI/Noémi Bruzák)