At the moment, we are at the point where Uncle Reality is being met with volleys of fire from the left, but sooner or later the facts will backfire.

There are brave people who stand up for their principles and do not deny their spoken or written sentences, even if some group or community organizes a public auto-dafe against them. Let's say like JK Rowling, who, despite being cursed by the mentally ill, refuses to accept that men can also menstruate. However, there are those who always think differently than what they thought and said differently than what they said.

In my last article, I did not name the person who claims to be a journalist, but at the same time writes such dirty messages that the human stomach cannot take them. I didn't write down his name because this figure doesn't deserve to promote his name (other organs have done that). Because the guy isn't even worth FaBatka.

They remember what you wrote on your social media profile, right? That children protest against the restriction of the use of mobile phones by taking a dickpic of their genitals and sending it to the BM using fake profiles. Well, in another post of this brave person, he looks at his readers even more stupid than before, saying: "Of course, I meant the half-sentence that students send dickpics from their cell phones to the BM address figuratively..."

Because he thinks he was just being ironic. But where is the irony here?

What is meant figuratively by "taking a picture", "dickpic", "fake profile", "sending" or "BM"? Examining it with an electron microscope, nothing formulaic can be found in it. It calls for specific, specific action, of course, in its own unique way.

This is a pathetic attempt to quell the huge indignation caused by his words. It's pitiful and barren.

Of course, what should we expect from him, or even from them, the left-liberals? After all, they never think what they think and they never say and write what they say and write. They have such a strange nature.

There is brother Ferenc, who later calls his Ószöd speech a speech of truth, even though it was about their serial lies. "We lied morning, night and evening" . Of course, it was really telling the truth in the sense that he confessed to the lies and manipulations, but even though he later sees his confession as a brave and righteous act, that does not ennoble what he lied about into the truth.

B.'s wife also thought differently when she spoke in the European Parliament in favor of withholding and withdrawing the money due to our country. He did not want to harm the Hungarian people, he acted out of pure kindness. That is, he didn't do what he did, it was just that everyone saw it wrong.

We also had a Péter Márki-Zay, who advocated the utilization of lamp irons in the case of Fidesz, but he did not mean it that way. So how? Did he speak up to improve public lighting? Did you think that those who profess Christian-conservative principles are all brilliant minds and then shine on the streets with their strings attached?

But FeGyőr Bandi was not left out of the "it wasn't like that" series either. After all, it was clearly and unmistakably visible that he threw a smoke grenade at the police line wall, but there was no question of throwing it, he just dropped it. In a big arc, just as we learned to throw a small ball at that time. Don't believe your rubbish, Hungarians, but what he says. Because he thought the throw was a drop. By the way, doesn't it matter? This, too, is disorderly conduct, and even in my interpretation - although I am not a lawyer - it is violence against an official. That's how I saw it.

Mrs. Bangón did not mean that the people of Fidesz were rats, she probably just wanted to draw attention to the fact that it is not appropriate to exterminate rodents in Hungary.

Pyotr Vengerszkij (aka the reincarnation of Péter Kun Béla Magyar) didn't limbo between the legs of little girls either, he must have only wanted to pick up the lady's kerchief that had fallen to the ground. He didn't slap anyone, he just wanted to kill a fly with the blow, and he wasn't driven by malice when he threw the person's cellphone into the Danube, he just wanted to participate in helping cellphone addicts. It shouldn't be understood that he won't take over the EU representative mandate, that he really won't, but he must have been ironic with the statement.

And the fact that he will never become a politician is absolutely true, such a gigolo cannot.

Of course, let's not condemn them, because they only follow the EU example. Where the so-called peace framework is used to pay for the war, where the protection of minority rights means ignoring or even marginalizing the interests of the majority, under democracy the mandatory following of one-sided opinions, under the heading of freedom of the press, the freedom of left-wing organs and the suppression of right-wing voices. Where Nazi symbols are - rightly - banned, but symbols of even bloodier dictatorships, communist symbols can be used freely.

There is no doubt that this is a good school for the Hungarian Liberal Bolshevik comrades. Say, write, do what you want, then deny it, explain that the idiot who heard, saw, and read it is what can and should be heard, seen, and read.

At the moment, Uncle Reality is being met with volleys of fire from the left, but sooner or later the facts will backfire and the Pinocchio army will be forced to surrender.

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