If the Russian president knew what a big favor he did to some people, maybe on the morning of February 22, 2022, he would be practicing fiddling or sitting at the piano and not doing what he did...

And then Russia invaded Ukraine. We know who is the aggressor, we know who is the defender. This sounds very simple, but it is far from it. Mostly it's not because hundreds of thousands of innocent people die in this game. Because the one who was put on an army jacket and loses his life a quarter of an hour after the deployment is also innocent, but also the one who is hit by a rocket in his sleep while wearing pajamas.

Yesterday he was feeding his child, yesterday he was painting his kitchen, yesterday he was talking to his friend, yesterday he was kissing his mother on the cheek, and today he is killing. Yesterday he was alive, and today he is dead... Such is the world without God.

Moreover, this is only a showcase, because the war is also going on in the background. Putin's move is an expected apropos to the economic redistribution of the world. If the Russian president knew what a big favor he did to some people, maybe on the morning of February 22, 2022 he would be practicing fiddling or sitting at the piano and not doing what he did...
Now let's look at what happened yesterday and the past in two years. It really seems that the writing of the script here was not left to chance.

On August 30, 2024, the Ukrainians announced that they would stop transporting crude oil on the Friendship pipeline from January.

That is: in addition to gas, the transit of Russian oil through the territory of Ukraine to the Druze, i.e. through the Friendship oil pipeline, will cease from January 2025. We are talking about the pipeline through which several European countries, including Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, receive Russian oil.

This is yesterday's announcement, but recently we had to write about the fact that Ukraine has already blocked the Friendship pipeline from Lukoil. This meant a loss of 1.1 million barrels of oil per month. This quantity is missing not only from the Hungarian market, but also from Slovakia. Let's put the above-mentioned events into a slightly broader perspective. The West imposed sanctions on the import of energy sources from Russia, but took into account the interests of some of its member states. Let's just say that Brussels was permissive... We are over the EU election, but not over the Russian-Ukrainian war. Now, for some reason, the disconnection of the continent from affordable energy sources in Russia has gained momentum again.
We could point out that it's a clean line, this time nobody blew up anything. Because we couldn't say that about the Nord Stream gas pipeline, right?

Let us never forget and always say it, always write it down: the blowing up of the Nord Stream gas pipelines is an attack on a historic scale that has put Europe's energy supply at risk!

And what happened after that? Nothing! Sometimes they explain the case this way, sometimes that way. According to the latest cover story, a handful of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are responsible for the operation, who developed the plans during a sleepless night. And the rest, and the rest... And now we can see how they would close the last faucet to the energy sources coming from Russia. If only we would wake up to how the powerful people of the world block the way from the spread of the war! This is not what we experience.

We will pay attention to the fact that there are people who are interested in maintaining the killing, moving leaders and ordinary citizens like puppets, while Europe becomes more dependent on America on the energy front than it ever was on Russia. And Moscow happily does business with India and China. Thank you very much, everyone is fine here, but there is a massacre going on in the playground... You can still have fun with life for a while, but one day it will be over. Because as the Bible says: "But the day of the Lord will come, like a thief, when the heavens will crack and crack, the elements will be dissolved by fire, and the earth and the creations on it will be burned."

Where will you be then?

Hungarian Nation/Gergely Kiss

Featured image: Pete Linforth / Pixabay