J'Adore and Meredith were at it.

The European Dog Dancing Championship was held in Germany, where in the "trio" competition, Christine Bérczes' kürze presented together with Elisabeth J'Adore and Meredith's dog won first place, making the dog dancer from Hollókő European champion, reports nool.hu.

The most difficult and at the same time the most spectacular part of the competition - when Christine showed her dog in control of two dogs at the same time - was received by the spectators with a big ovation.

Facebook / Christine Elisabeth Berczes

According to the paper's article, this is not the only success that the Hungarian team could enjoy, as it reached the prestigious 3rd place among countries in the overall competition and in the HTM category, while in the junior category, the Hungarians won silver medals in both competition categories - HTM and Freestyle girls. Sára Szabó from Salgótarján was able to stand on the second step of the podium with her four-legged dog named Tesla, while Ajsa Szabó from Hollókő, also from Hollókő, was able to stand on the second step of the podium with her dog.

Dog dancing is gaining more and more popularity not only in official competitions among canine sports, but also in, for example, international talent competitions. The popularity of the sport, in addition to professional perspectives, lies in the fact that the dog, in close and happy cooperation with its owner, dazzles the audience with a spectacular and enjoyable performance

- said Christine, who appeared in the world's most famous talent show, America's Got Talent, in 2022 when contacted by the newspaper.

Featured image: Facebook / Christine Elisabeth Berczes