"Were Hungarians ever blamed for the Soviet invasion of '56?" - announced the president of the European Commission to our country, but he received a snappy answer.

On Friday, the GLOBSEC regional security policy conference began in Prague, where Ursula von der Leyen immediately attacked Viktor Orbán in her opening speech.

"There are politicians in the EU, even in this region, who blame the war not on the occupier, but on the occupied. They don't blame Putin's desire for power, but Ukraine's desire for freedom for what happened"

- said the head of the European Commission.

That's why I want to ask them: did they ever blame the Hungarians for the Soviet invasion in 1956?

- he asked the question, and then said that the Kremlin's behavior was just as illegal and terrible then as it is now.

In the discussion entitled Beyond 2024: A New Agenda for Transatlantic Relations, Balázs Orbán explained, among other things, regarding the war in Ukraine: Hungary takes a realistic position, part of which is to say that this is not our war . According to Orbán, the failure of the pro-war policy of recent years shows that Europe needs to change, so a strategy must be developed that finally takes European interests into account. The prime minister's political director noted in this regard that the Brussels elite suffers from Stockholm syndrome, as they follow the policy of the American liberal government without thinking, even if it goes against European interests. Balázs Orbán pointed out that sooner or later the democrats will realize that the American policy on Ukraine is unsustainable, and then the United States will leave Europe alone with this problem. The prime minister's political director also revived his meeting with Donald Trump, the presidential candidate of the American Republicans. According to Orbán, Trump assured him that, if elected, he would create peace in Ukraine within 24 hours. According to Orbán, he replied that they would be very happy even with 36 hours, but Trump confirmed: it must be resolved within 24 hours.

Balázs Orbán, the prime minister's political director, immediately reacted to Von der Leyen's words on his Facebook page:

"No one blames the Ukrainians for the Russian occupation, but every sane person blames the Western pro-war elite for the wrong, irresponsible, dangerous policy that pushes Europe into decline"

Orbán writes.

He added: after hearing such nonsense, they arrived in Prague for the Globsec conference in a sufficiently nervous mood.

"We came to talk about peace and how, if President Trump wins the American election, there will be peace again in Europe"

he noted.

We can only wait until Europe's pro-war elites get off their high horse...

- concluded his post.


Featured image: European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen gives a speech at the Globsec foreign and security policy forum in Bratislava on May 31, 2023. MTI/EPA/Martin Divisek