The president of the Tisza Party only thought of attacking János Lázár when he was no longer on the boards of state companies belonging to his ministry.

Péter Magyar sharply criticized the Minister of Construction and Transport János Lázár in a post on Saturday morning, in which he criticized the state of the MÁV and the lack of railway developments in recent years. János Lázár did not leave the criticism unspoken and responded to Magyar's post. He welcomed him to the "reality of the Hungarian railway", and then remarked ironically that he was glad that the politicians had finally noticed the railway's problems after thirty years. Lázár responded to Magyar's criticisms in detail, at the same time inviting Magyar to a personal meeting to provide detailed information on the planned measures.

Despite his salary of millions, Magyar has not yet been bothered by traffic conditions

It is interesting in relation to Péter Magyar's criticism of the traffic situation that

the politician, who is now critical of the government, received a monthly salary of 1.16 million as a member of the board of Volánbusz not so long ago, after joining the company's board of directors in April 2023. In addition, this was the period of the company when it was under the Minister of Construction and Transport János Lázár. However, when he had not yet started his political career, Magyar did not even publicly criticize the head of the ministry.

By the way, Magyar already announced in 2024, at the beginning of his political career, that he would resign from his position at Volánbusz, which is very interesting, considering that according to publicly available company documents, he was no longer a board member on December 1, 2023.

But Péter Magyar also worked at Magyar Közút Zrt, also belonging to the ministry of János Lázár, where he was a board member, and where he joined even earlier, in August 2022. In this position, he received a monthly salary of HUF 1.33 million. Interestingly, he also did not publicly criticize the state of Hungarian transport during this period - that is, when he was also responsible for it - just as he did in János Lázár just now.


Featured image: MTI/Márton Mónus