The West forgot to send hundreds of billions of dollars and an arsenal of modern weapons to help the freedom fighters militarily in '56. Written by Otto Gajdics.

Were the Hungarians ever blamed for the Soviet invasion of '56? Ursula von der Leyen asked the other day, proving in one sentence that she does not understand anything about the history of the recent past, and has no independent thoughts about the events of the present.

The stupidity of the president of the European Commission wanted to support the stubborn position with his resounding statement that the Hungarian pro-peace position supports the aggressor Russia, because we blame the attacked Ukraine for the outbreak of the war raging in our neighbor.

In addition to the fact that Von der Leyen's assumption is false in every way, mixing the memory of the 1956 revolution and the freedom struggle into the completely flawed daily EU policy, which excels in inciting war instead of promoting peace, is also a gross insult from a leader who is the political heir of that to the Western way of thinking, which at the time pushed Hungary to the Soviet empire as an end to it instead of providing help.

First of all: pro-peace is not pro-Russia.

We have written countless times that the ceasefire does not mean that the Ukrainians surrender, but that both sides stop killing and sit down to negotiate the terms of peace.

The Hungarian Prime Minister also stated several times that our country is not on the side of either the Ukrainians or the Russians, Hungary is on the side of peace.

However, the arms shipments and the pouring of huge sums of money into the Ukrainian war economy do not promote peace, but result in the prolongation of the war and strengthen the threat of the outbreak of the world war. Peace can only be brought about by forcing the warring parties to the negotiating table. The West, on the other hand, wants to defeat Russia, so it forces the war. This is really contrary to the Hungarian position that wants peace, but not because the latter is pro-Russian, but because the decision-making elite of the West is pro-war, unabashedly serving the interests of the private money empire.

Second, no one ever blamed Ukraine for the Russian attack.

Not even when we watched in shock the footage of the inhumane atrocities committed by Ukrainians against the Russian minority. We have always blamed the already mentioned US-centered private money empire and the Western elite it bought by the pound for the proxy war provoked on the territory of Ukraine, the obvious goal of which is to weaken Europe and Russia at the same time by depriving the European economy of cheap Russian energy carriers and raw materials, thus destroying their competitiveness. .

It is incomprehensible why President Zelensky sends hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainians to the slaughterhouse for this purpose.

It is clear that they are fighting their murderous battle with other people's money and other weapons to the last Ukrainian soldier, but not for the protection of their sovereignty and territorial integrity, but for the world domination aspirations of wealthy business owners. Besides Ukraine, Europe is the biggest loser in this fight, so it is also incomprehensible why the peoples of the continent have not yet revolted against their self-absorbed, self-destructive leaders, who obviously do not represent the interests of European citizens, but the interests of the private money empire that feeds them out of the palm of their hand. .

Among other things, we blame Ursula von der Leyen and her colleagues for the war, not Ukraine.

Finally, we respectfully ask the President of the European Commission to study Hungarian history more carefully before he speaks about the heroes of 1956!

Do not uncritically accept the narrative of the Hungarian-speaking globalists, who do not notice that the same West forgot to send hundreds of billions of dollars and an arsenal of modern weapons to the military aid of the freedom fighters in '56, which is now insulted to the point of blood, for not letting our country be dragged into their war with a doubtful outcome .

Actually, the parallel that the globalists draw between the situation in Ukraine today and the situation in Hungary in '56, based on the fact that Russian aggression can be demonstrated in both cases, is a confession. Admitting that both our country and Ukraine are expendable and exploitable pawns in the disgusting chess game of imperial positioning and aspirations for world domination.

If the interests of the private money empire so dictate, then they will throw the Hungarians into the hands of the Soviet empire. And if so, then they wipe out the male population of a country in a senseless war.

So it's good if Mrs. Von der Leyen knows that Majdan has nothing to do with what Corvin means to us. Our freedom fighters did not want to defeat the Soviet empire, they just wanted to go away and leave us alone. We asked the West for help for this, not to attack Moscow with other weapons. For nearly forty years, we were forced to moan about Soviet oppression due to the cowardice of the West. It is cynical nonsense to use this as an argument against us.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
MTI/Tamás Purger