The Republican presidential candidate praised the Hungarian Prime Minister and Hungary in his interview with Fox News.

Donald Trump spoke with Mark Levin on the show Life, Liberty & Levin in an interview broadcast at dawn on Sunday, Hungarian time. Levin also served in the administration of President Ronald Reagan (1981–89) and was an associate of General Counsel Edwin Meese.

"This is a crazy man who has a lot of money and is trying to influence our elections, and the Democratic Party, instead of saying this guy is crazy and disgusting, they show up at the door over and over again, fund their initiatives, their organizations, so they fund the party, their elections... this is absolutely unbelievable to me, and the Democratic Party pretends to be good-hearted..." Donald Trump said about George Soros.

Several issues were touched upon in the interview, such as the relationship between the United States and China. "I think we will have a good relationship. I would rather have a good relationship with China," emphasized the Republican presidential candidate.

“And I'm saying this, and I hope President Xi is listening. I think we will have a good relationship with China. And I think we're going to have a good relationship with everybody," Trump said.

In the interview, the 45th President of the USA praised the Hungarian Prime Minister separately:

"Viktor Orbán... I mean, he is strong. They are considered strong. He leads a strong country".

Most recently, Trump spoke in La Crosse, Wisconsin about what he thinks of the Hungarian Prime Minister and called Viktor Orbán a very strong leader.

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Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (b) meeting with Donald Trump at the former US president and Republican presidential candidate's Florida residence in Mar-a-Lago on July 11, 2024.
MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer