For his own government, Ferenc Gyurcsány does not feel that his statement that "our teachers should earn at least as much as a department head in a ministry" is binding. At the end of their administration, they even took a month's salary from the teachers - Magyar Nemzet points out in its article.

On the occasion of the start of school in 2024, Ferenc Gyurcsány said: "Our teachers should earn at least as much as a department head in a ministry earns. But it's not like that."

As you can see, the president of the DK recalled his own activities until 2011, while he was prime minister between 2004 and 2009, and at the end of their administration, one month's salary was taken from the teachers, reports Magyar Nemzet .

The paper recalled how much a teacher earned in the middle of the socialist government period, even before the year of the global economic crisis. In all cases, the numbers are gross.

According to Merces' 2009 analysis

In 2007, the average income of teachers was HUF 193,200, and this allowance crossed the HUF 200,000 limit by the second quarter of 2008. Meanwhile, a 2007 article by Népszabadság wrote about "the gross monthly salary of HUF 412,000 for a ministerial department head working in a less important field."

If we consider this - with some benevolence - as the average salary of a department head in the Gyurcsány era, then it can be said that a department head in a ministry at that time earned 2.13 times as much as a teacher.

So Gyurcsány did not feel that the principle stated above today, according to which "our teachers should earn at least as much as a ministerial head of department earns", was far from binding for his own government.

In comparison:

this year, with the government wage increase, the average salary of teachers increased to HUF 670-680 thousand, and as of January 1, 2025 - i.e. in the current school year - it will rise to HUF 820 thousand gross. This means that an additional 21 percent growth is expected. The latter amount is about 4.25 times the average teacher's salary in 2007 according to Gyurcsány. Since then, cumulative inflation has been around 132 percent,

the average monthly salary of a teacher during the socialist period would correspond to about HUF 448,000 today. It is worth repeating once again that, in comparison, the average teacher salary will be HUF 820,000 from January 1, 2025.

The full article by clicking HERE .

Photo: MTI/Róbert Hegedűs