Government and industry players will use so-called 'nudging' techniques and public information campaigns' to 'convince people to switch their steak to a plant-based or lab-grown alternative'. news agency reported

The National Alternative Protein Innovation Center (NAPIC), funded by UK Research and Innovation, a government body, is trying to sell 'meat alternatives' to the public as part of the UK's net zero program in the name of reducing carbon emissions.

Professor Anwesha Sarkar, from the University of Leeds, where the research center will be based, told Telegraph

"We want to make alternative proteins mainstream for a more sustainable planet".

This diet includes "ground meat made from crickets" and various insects ground into a "hamburger-like" substance.

As well as the government grant, the group also receives £23m in funding from multinationals and other businesses in the belief that the industry could bring them £7bn of revenue a year.

Since NAPIC is well aware that the general population is fundamentally averse to eating insects, they essentially want to brainwash people into doing so – and they admit it, the Modernity news portal points

Government and industry players will use so-called 'nudging' techniques and public information campaigns' to 'convince people to switch their steak to a plant-based or lab-grown alternative'.

The essence of "nudging" - which is mainly used in business life - is to persuade someone with subtle hints to do what is best for them or what is expected of them, but in such a way that the individual's freedom of decision is preserved.

However, forcing people to eat insects instead of meat is harming the industry, according to farmers.

while many see it as yet another deliberate attempt to lower people's living standards as part of the drive to net zero emissions.

Cover image: Pixabay